Era perdagangan bebas yang telah disepakati dalam kerangka AFTA, APEC dan WTO mengharuskan setiap perusahaan meningkatkan perhatiannya kepada kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan. Dimana kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan tidak hanya terfokus pada keistimewaan karakteristik produk/jasa yang ditawarkan tetapi juga kualitas pelayanan yang menyertai produk/jasa tersebut, seperti waktu pelayanan dan ketepatan penyerahan.
Farmasi adalah salah satu unit di rumah sakit yang memberikan layanan produk dan jasa dalam bentuk layanan resep. Dimana bagi pelanggan mutu layanan resep farmasi yang baik umumnya dikaitkan dengan kecepatan pelayanan. Aktivitas yang terjadi pada proses operasi layanan resep diduga dipengaruhi oleh faktor jenis resep, jumlah item dan shift.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh faktor jenis resep, jumlah item dan shift terhadap efektifitas siklus aktivitas proses layanan resep farmasi rawat jalan di RS. Haji Jakarta yang diukur dengan rasio siklus efektifitas (CE) dikaitkan dengan kepuasan pelanggan dan persepsi pelanggan terhadap waktu yang terbentuk akibat aktivitas proses layanan resep.
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Unit Farmasi RS. Haji Jakarta dari tanggal 8 April sampai dengan 19 April 2002. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 231 lembar resep, penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan time motion study, survey dan wawancara mendalam.
Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas proses layanan resep di farmasi Rawat Jalan RS. Haji Jakarta memiliki nilai rata-rata CE sebesar 38,75%. Ini berarti bahwa aktifitas layanan resep masih belum efektif karena masih terkandung aktifitas yang bersifat tidak menambah nilai. Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan resep Farmasi Rawat Jalan RS. Haji Jakarta masih rendah dimana 55,4% menyatakan "kurang puas". Persepsi pelanggan terhadap waktu tunggu yang ditanggung saat menebus obatnya di Farmasi Rawat jalan RS. Haji Jakarta masih rendah dimana 45,7% menyatakan "lama" atas pelayanan resep Farmasi RS. Haji Jakarta.
Dari analisis bivariat didapat faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja aktivitas proses layanan resep farmasi rawat jalan yanitu faktor 'jenis resep' dan 'jumlah item' (beban resep). Dari analisis multivariat didapat variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kinerja aktivitas proses layanan resep farmasi rawat jalan yaitu faktor 'jenis resep'.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapkan informasi tentang kinerja proses layanan resep Farmasi Rawat Jalan di RS. Haji Jakarta dapat dijadikan pedoman bagi proses perbaikan dalam meningkatkan mutu layanan kefarmasian. Dengan melakukan pengelolaan aktivitas yang menambah nilai akan dihasilkan kinerja yang lebih efisien.

The Free-Trade era in the result of the AFTA, APEC and WTO Agreement are driving companies to focus more on their customer needs. Not only focusing on the characteristic specialities of the products/services offered, but also the quality that comes along within the product/service itself, such as service time and deliver accuracy.
Pharmacy is a unit in the hospital that gives products and services in the form of receipt services. Whereas for the customers, a good pharmacy's receipt services quality are usually related to providing quick service. The activities that occured in a receipt services operational process are hypothetically influenced by several factors; the receipts' kind, number of items and work-shift.
This research intended to discover the influence of all the above factors on how effective the activities cycle in a pharmacy's receipt services operational process in a hospital which are measured by the Cycle Effectiveness (CE) ratio, related to customers' satisfaction and perception about the formed time after the receipt services process.
The research took place in the Pharmacy Unit of the Rumah Sakit Haji Jakarta from April 8th to April 19th 2002. The research samples included 231 medical receipts. The research was also done with several approaches; time motion study, survey, and deep interviews.
The analyses being used are univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The result of this research shows that the average CE value of the activity process in the pharmacy's receipt services in the Rumah Sakit Haji Jakarta are 38,75% which mean that such activity is not effective because there are still some non-added value activities. The customers' level of satisfaction is still low where there is still 55,4% stated 'not satisfied'. The customers' perception of the time length taken to wait for the medicine is still low, where 45,7% stated 'long' for the pharmacy's receipt services in the Rumah Sakit Haji Jakarta.
There's a factor concluded from the bivariate analysis that related to the performance of the activity process in the pharmacy's receipt service, which is the 'kind of receipts and numbers of item' factor. While from the multivariate analysis the most dominant variable related to the performance of the activity process in the pharmacy's receipt service, which is the 'kind of receipts'
Based on this research, hopefully the information about the performane of the activity process in the Rumah Sakit Haji, Jakarta pharmacy's receipt services can be used as some sort of guidance to improve process and increase the pharmacy's service quality. By managing an added value and a non-added value activity we will have a much more efficient performance as a result.