
Penelitian membahas KDRT yang berakibat tidak terpenuhinya hak reproduksi istri. Tujuannya untuk mengidentifikasi kekerasan fisik, psikis, ekonomi, dan seksual serta akibatnya terhadap pemenuhan hak reproduksi, tempat korban mencari pertolongan, dan harapan terhadap pemerintah. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif dan cross setional. Respondennya adalah perempuan menikah. Hasil analisis didapatkan KDRT sebanyak 86,2%, kekerasan psikis 77,7%, kekerasan ekonomi 59,8%, kekerasan seksual 53,1% dan 23,6% kekerasan fisik. Akibatnya terhadap tidak terpenuhi hak reproduksi istri sebanyak 58%. Kekerasan ekonomi, seksual, fisik bermakna secara statistik. Tempat korban mengadu adalah orang tua, 41,1%. Harapan kepada pemerintah adalah diberikannya bantuan hukum, 41,5%.

The research is aimed at describing the domestic violence occured in Indonesia which brings about the unfulfillment of the rights of wives. The objectives of the research are to identify physical, psychological, economical, and sexual violence and the impacts to the fulfillment of the rights of sexual reproduction, to figure out the place where the victims gets protection, and to explain the expectations of the victims toward the government. The research is qualitatively and descriptively done and cross sectional. Subject is the women who have been married. Having analyzed the data, it is found that 86.2 percentage of respondents had ever been the victims of domestic violence within their marriage, 77,7 % psychological, 59.8 % of the economical, 53.1% of sexual, and 23,6 % of physical violence. The impacts experienced are unfulfillment 58%. These violences are statistically meaningful. Parents are those to whom the violence mostly complain (41.1%). Around 41.5 % of the victims expect that the government will give them judicial support.