

Awak kapal feri mempunyai karakteristik kerja yang unik, jadwal kerja 24 jamterus menerus di kapal dengan libur hanya 3 hari sebulan, terpajan risiko kondisilingkungan kerja yang dapat menjadi penyebab timbulnya stres kerja. Stres kerjaawak kapal jika tidak ditanggulangi akan berpengaruh terhadap kesehatannya sertakeselamatan kapal dan penumpang. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperolehgambaran faktor pekerjaan (job content-job context), yang berhubungan denganstres kerja pada awak kapal feri non perwira di pelabuhan Telaga Punggur.Metode yang digunakan adalah Cross Sectional Descriptive Research, pengukurandata menggunakan kuesioner, analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat.Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan 35 % responden mengalami stres kerja dan 65 %tidak mengalami stres kerja. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan faktor yangmempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan stres kerja adalah kondisi lingkungankerja, dimana awak kapal yang mempunyai persepsi bahwa kondisi lingkungankerja di kapal berbahaya mempunyai peluang lebih besar mengalami stres kerjadibanding awak kapal yang menganggap lingkungan kerja di kapal tidakberbahaya.


The ferry's crew has a unique job characteristics, 24 hours work schedulecontinuously on the ship with only three days off a month, being exposed to the riskof working environment conditions that can cause an incidence of work stress.Work stress of the crew will have an effect on their health and also to the safety ofthe ship and its passengers. The purpose of the research was to gain an overview ofwork factors (job content-job context) related to work stress on the ferry crew inThe Telaga Punggur Port 2013. The method used is Cross Sectional DescriptiveResearch, measurement data using questionnaires, analysis of the data done byunivariate and bivariat. Research results obtained 35% of ferry crew experienced astressful job and 65% are not subjected to the stress of work. Results of statisticaltests indicate factor that have a meaningful relationship with work stress is acondition of the work environment, where the crew had the perception that theenvironmental conditions of work on board is harmfull has a chance of greaterstress than crew who consider the work environment on board is not harmfull.