Latar belakang: Jumlah kasus TB paru di Kabupaten Sukabumi setiap tahunnya cenderung mengalami kenaikan dan kondisi lingkungan merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit TB paru. Tujuan: Mengetahui jumlah kasus dan sebaran TB paru BTA positif di Kabupaten Sukabumi tahun 2002-2004. Metode: Menggunakan data sekunder dan studi korelasi ekologi dengan pendekatan spasial. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan mengunakan uji statistik dan analisis spasial. Hasil: Pola persebaran kasus TB paru BTA positif di Kabupaten Sukabumi tahun 2002–2004 rata-rata terbanyak berada pada kecamatan dengan ketinggian dari 201–700 m dpl (terutama wilayah bagian utara). Ditemukan juga beberapa kecamatan di wilayah bagian selatan yang tidak melaporkan adanya kasus TB paru BTA positif di wilayahnya. Kesimpulan: Rata-rata kecamatan-kecamatan di wilayah bagian utara kurang memiliki akses jaringan jalan dan rata-rata fasilitas kesehatannya tidak memiliki peralatan mikroskopis serta petugas medisnya masih sedikit yang terlatih strategi DOTS dan wilayah bagian selatan sebaliknya. Kata kunci: analisis spasial, TB paru BTA positif
Background: The case number of lungs TB in Sukabumi Regency is increasing and that some environment condition were risk factors of lungs TB disease. Objective: This research was conducted to find out the number and distribution of BTA positive of lungs TB based at Sukabumi Regency in year 2002-2004. Methods: This study used secondary data and use ecological study correlation with spatial approach. The data was controlled by statistic test and spatial analysis. Results: The most average distribution pattern of BTA positive lungs TB cases in sub districts located in 201–700 m (especially on the northern part of the region). There was also finding in the southern part of the region districts with reports that there were BTA positive lungs TB in the region. Conclusion: Most of the northern part of the region found difficulties to access and in average the health facilities have microscopic and only a few numbers of medical officer’s familiar with DOTS strategy and the other way of the southern part of the region districts. Keywords: spatial analysis, BTA positive of lungs TB