Pekerjaan sebagai pilot memiliki banyak tuntutan, tanggung jawab dan kemampuan yangharus di penuhi oleh pilot diantaranya menyangkut kesehatan pilot tersebut. Penelitian inimemakai desain potong lintang ( cross sectional ), rekam medis kadar kimia darah hasilpemeriksaan kesehatan secara berkala pada pilot tahun 2013 di Balai KesehatanPenerbangan, Jakarta. Kasus yang di temukan adalah adanya perbedaan nilai rata-ratakadar kimia darah hasil pemeriksaan secara berkala pada pilot yang dihubungkan denganfaktor jam terbang, jenis penerbangan, umur, kepemilikan instansi ,jenis maskapai,merokok, meminum alkohol dan jenis penerbangan. Disimpulkan bahwa beberapa nilairata-rata kadar kimia darah hasil pemeriksaan secara berkala pada pilot berbeda signifikanterhadap faktor merokok, jenis penerbangan dan riwayat meminum alkohol. Dari 288jumlah sampel responden yang diambil mewakili populasi yang ada, dapat diketahuibahwa tidak hanya pilot yang berumur yang rentan dengan risiko kesehatan, tetapi jugapilot yang masih di kategorikan muda juga rentan dengan risiko kesehatan.Kata kunci :Pilot, hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan kimia darah, jam terbang, jenis penerbangan, umur,kepemilikan instansi ,jenis maskapai ,merokok, meminum alkohol dan jenis penerbangan.
Job as a pilot has a lot of demands, responsibilities and capabilities which must be fulfilledby the pilot of which includes concerning the health of the pilots. This study is using across-sectional design ( cross sectional ), the medical record on the levels of bloodchemistry from the periodically health examination on the pilots in 2013 at the FlightHealth Center, Jakarta. The founded cases were there was differences in the average valueon the periodic examination results of the blood chemistry levels on the pilots whichrelated with the pilot flight hours factor, type of flight, age, agency ownership, type ofcarrier, smoking, drinking alcohol and type of flying. It was concluded that some of theaverage value from the periodic examination results of the blood chemistry levels on thepilots has a significant difference with the factors of smoking, type of flight and the historyon drinking alcohol. From the 288 number of samples of respondents taken to represent thepopulation, it can be acknowledge that not only the aging pilots are vulnerable to healthrisks, but young pilots are also still categorized vulnerable to health risks.Keywords :Pilot, the blood chemistry examination results, flight hours, type of flight, age, agencyownership, type of carrier, smoking, drinking alcohol and type of flying.