Tesis ini, menganalisis posisi pelayanan kusta di rumah sakit khusus kustaDr.Sitanala tahun 2015-2019. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui posisipelayanan kusta, arah pengembanganya lima tahun kedepan dan strategi yangtepat untuk kondisi tersebut. Merupakan penelitian operasional (operationalresearch) dengan mengunakan langkah-langkah manajemen strategis berdasarkanteori yang disampaikan Fred.R.David dan Duncan. Tahapan penelitian ini, diawalidengan analisis situasi eksternal dan internal rumah sakit, penetapan strategidengan menggunakan matrik EFE,IFE dan analisis SWOT, penentuan alternativestrategi dengan matrik IE dan matrik TOWS, prioritas strategi dengan matrikQSPM dan strategi prioritas diterjemahkan kedalam kegiatan tahunan denganindikator capaian kinerja berupa KPI. Hasil penelitian didapatkan posisipelayanan kusta pada sel V (hold and maintain) dan quadran 2 (Internal Fix-It)yang artinya, RSK.DR.Sitanala memiliki kelemahan internal yang bisamenghambat pelayanan kusta, akan tetapi masih memiliki peluang yang baik darilingkungan eksternal Rumah Sakit. Strategi yang disarankan adalah melakukanperbaikan internal (product development). Prioritas strategi: Memaksimalkanperanan rehabilitasi kusta paripurna, Meningkatkan layanan bedah kusta,membangun poliklinik kusta dengan konsep pelayanan kusta terpadu (one stopservice)Kata kunci: Strategi, Rumah Sakit, Kusta
This thesis analyzes the position of leprosy services in Specialized LeprosyHospital (SLH) Dr. Sitanala, years 2015-2019. The purpose of the study was todetermine the position of leprosy services in SLH. Dr. Sitanala this time, todetermine the appropriate service strategy for the next five years. This study is theoperational research by using strategic management frameworks, proposed byFred R. David and Duncan.This study begins with an analysis of the external andinternal situation of the hospital, followed by the determination of strategies usingmatrix EFE, IFE and SWOT analysis. Furthermore, the determination ofalternative strategies using IE matrix and TOWS matrix. Priority Strategiesselected using matrix QSPM, then the priority strategies are translated into annualactivities that comes with a Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The results of thisstudy indicate that the position of leprosy services in SLH Dr. Sitanala currentlyresides in the cell V (hold and maintanance) and quadran 2 (Internal Fix-It). Thisposition means that the hospital currently has internal weaknesses that inhibitleprosy services, whereas the external side, the hospital still have a chance. Thisstudy also resulted in a recommendation strategy is right for a period of five years,which is doing internal repairs (product development). Strategic priorities thatneed to be done is to Maximize the role of plenary leprosy rehabilitation, improvesurgical services leprosy, leprosy clinic and establish the concept of integratedleprosy services (one stop service)Keywords: Strategies, Hospital, Leprosy