Penggunaan water dispenser, konsumsi air minum kemasan dan depot meningkat.Dalam survey 10 rumah tangga terdapat 20% menuangkan galon tanpa sterilisasi alkohol. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan sumber, perlakuan galon danwater dispenser dengan kontaminasi bakteri E. coli. Desainnya adalah crosssectional, besar sampel 106 dan diambil berdasarkan administrasi RW serta analisis data uji chi square. Variabel berpengaruh terhadap kontaminasi bakteri E.coli dalam air minum adalah sumber (p =0,009, OR=3,5, 95% CI =1,38-8,88); membersihkan galon pakai lap kering bersih atau tissue (p=0,000, OR=9,241,95%CI=3,290-25,953); sterilisasi galon (p=0,000, OR=24,182, 95%CI=2,821-207,255); membersihkan outlet (p=0,034, OR=tak terhingga). Hasil penelitian menyarankan gunakanlah sumber air minum kemasan, bersihkan galon memakai lap kering bersih/tissue, sterilisasi galon dengan tissue alkohol, membersihkan outlet paling lama satu bulan sekali.Kata kunci : E. coli, air minum, water dispenser
Use water dispenser, bottled water consumption and increased depot. In thesurvey 10% of households are pouring 20 gallons of alcohol without sterilization.The study aims to find out the source of the relationship, and the treatment gallonwater dispenser with E. coli bacteria contamination. The design was cross-sectional, a large sample of 106 taken by the administration and RW as well asdata analysis chi square test. Variable effect on E. coli bacteria contamination indrinking water is the source (p = 0.009, OR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.38 to 8.88); gallondisposable cleaning cloth or a clean dry tissue (p = 0.000, OR = 9.241, 95% CI =3.290 to 25.953); sterilization gallons (p = 0.000, OR = 24.182, 95% CI = 2.821to 207.255); clean the water dispenser outlet (p = 0.034, OR = infinity). Theresults of the study suggest the source of bottled water use, clean gallon wearingclean dry cloth / tissue, tissue sterilization gallon with alcohol, clean the outletonce a month at the latest.Keywords: E. coli, drinking water, water dispenser