Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) merupakan kejadian yang cukup banyakterjadi pada industry manufaktur yang diakibatkan oleh pajanan kebisingan. PadaPT NGK Busi Indonesia, Jakarta terdapat bahaya kebisingan yang bersumber dari mesin dan peralatan kerja. Penelitian dilakukan secara Cross-sectional ataupotong lintang terhadap dosis pajanan bising harian dan keluhan gangguan pendengaran dengan melibatkan faktor perancu berupa usia, masa kerja, APT,merokok, hoby menembak, memakai head-set, menonton konser music rock,mengunjungi diskotik, riwayat penyakit telinga, obat oto/neurotoksik, danpenyakit degeneratif. Dengan metode pengukuran dosis pajanan bisisng harian dan pengisian kuisioner. Berdasarkan analisis hubungan dua variable hanyakebisaan merokok yang memiliki perbedaan yang nyata dengan keluhan gangguanpendengaran dengan nilai p-value < 0,05. Perlu ditingkatkan pelaksanaan HearingLoss Prevention Program berupa audit awal, identifikasi dan analisi sumberbising, peningkatan pengawasan penggunaan APT, audiometry berkala, program motivasi dan edukasi, dokumentasi dan audit program HLPP.
Kata Kunci: bising, keluhan gangguan pendengaran
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is the most event that happen in industrial ofmanufacture. This event mostly associated by noise exposure. Many noise hazardin PT. NGK Busi Indonesia, Jakarta that sourced from machinery and otherworking equipment. This study designed by cross-sectional method againts dailynoise dose exposure and hearing loss complaints that there are confoundingfactors such as working period, ear protective equipment, smoking, shootinghobby, listening music with head-set, watching rock concert, discotic, history ofhearing illness, neurotoxic drugs, and degenerative illness. This study was usingtools such as result of daily noise dose exposure measurement and fullfillmentquestionaire. According to relationship analysis of two variable there is onlyfactor of smoking habit that have strongly associated with hearing loss complaintswith p-value <0,05. This should be improvement of Hearing Loss PreventionProgram Implementation such as initial audit, identification and analize noisesource, supervise enhancement of ear protective equipment utilization, periodicalaudiometry, education and motivation programs, documentation and programaudit of hearing loss prevention program.
Keywords: Noise, Hearing Loss Complaints