Penelitian ini membahas hubungan karakteristik dokter dengan kelengkapan rekam medis rawat inap bayi dan anak di RSIA Budi Kemuliaan tahun 2014. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran kelengkapan rekam medis rawat inap bayi dan anak serta hubungannya dengan karakteristik dokter pengisi rekam medis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa variabel yang tidak lengkap diisi adalah tanggal dan waktu, nama dan tanda tangan dokter, informed consent, dan resume medis. Sementara itu diketahui bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara jenjang pendidikan dan status kepegawaian dengan kelengkapan rekam medis rawat inap bayi dan anak.
Kata kunci: Dokter, jenis kelamin, jenjang pendidikan, masa kerja, rawat inap, rekam medis, status kepegawaian, usia

This study discusses the relationship between characteristics of doctor and the completeness of hospitalized infants and children medical records in RSIA Budi Kemuliaan Years 2014. This study aims to describe the completeness of hospitalized infants and children medical records as well as its relationship with the characteristics of doctor as a filler medical records. This is a quantitative study with cross-sectional study design. Based on the results of the study, it is known that variables incomplete filled are date and time, name and signature of the doctor, informed consent, and medical resume. Beside that, it is known that there are significant differences between levels of education and employment status with the completeness of hospitalized infants and children medical records.
Keywords : Doctor, Gender, Levels of Education, Years of Work, Hospitalized, Medical Records, Employment Status, Age