Latar Belakang Pemanfaaatan Sistem Informasi Billing di beberapa unit kerja di RSUD Cianjur belum optimal. Dimana masih dilakukan pencatatan ganda yaitu masih menggunakan sistem pencatatan manual disamping juga harus entry data ke dalam komputer. Dari dua sistem pencatatan itu dijumpai selisih antara perhitungan sistem manual dan sistem komputer yang terpaut cukup besar. Tujuan Sehubungan dengan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Billing, mengenali permasalahan yang ada, serta sekaligus mencari cara pemecahan masalah yang tepat dan memberi usulan konsep optimalisasi pemanfaatannya. Metode Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan metoda kualitatif. Bahan penelitian berasal dari data primer dan sekunder yang diperoleh dengan cara pengamatan terhadap proses, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) dan wawancara mendalam (In-depth Interview) terhadap petugas pelaksanaan dan para pimpinan yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Billing RSUD Cianjur. Hasil Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Billing RSUD Cianjur belum optimal karena belum mencukupinya sumber daya manusia, dana, hardware, software, prosedur tetap pelaksanaan dan struktur organisasi. Kesimpulan Untuk lebih mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Billing pasien Bayar Tunai di Instalasi Rawat Jalan, Instalasi Gawat Darurat dan Instalasi Rawat Inap, maka jumlah petugas harus disesuaikan dengan volume pekerjaan, perbaikan dan penambahan hardware dan software, membuat Prosedur Tetap pelaksanaan sistem berbasis komputer dan merubah struktur organisasi SIM RS yang ada. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Billing Jumlah Kata: 3
Analysis The Utilization of The Billing Information System for Patient Direct Payment In RSUD Cianjur Period from January to December 2004 Background This study revealed the utilization of Billing Information System was not yet optimum. The authorized person or staffs who operate the billing system has to make double records, both manually and computerized data entry. These two systems show a quite a great deal of differences in each of their results. Objective Base of this finding, the objectives of this study are evaluating the utilization of Billing Information System, identifying some problem that might come up and also finding the right solution of the problem, in hope to be able to recommend the right suggestion for optimally of the utilization. Methods This is a cases study research with qualitative approach. The research material originates from primary and secondary data by profound observing the process, FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and in-depth interview with several staff and other authorized personnel’s whom involve in the implementation of the system. Results The results show that the utilization of the Billing Information System (BIS) was not yet optimum because manpower, hardware, software, funds, procedure and structure of organization which in this case stand not enough. Conclusions Therefore, for optimum the utilization of the Billing Information System regarding inpatient, emergency and outpatient, some adjustment have to be made concerning the number of staff and their workload, some fixing and add of the hardware and software, also making a standard operating procedure of BIS and modifying the organization of MIS. Keywords: Billing Information System Word count: 3