Konstipasi fungsional masih sering ditemui pada remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor dominan terhadap kejadian konstipasi fungsional pada siswa SMA Islam Al-Azhar 2 Pejaten Jakarta Selatan tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 141 orang. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa status konstipasi fungsional, asupan serat, asupan cairan, aktivitas fisik, stress, IMT/U, jenis kelamin, pengetahuan gizi, konsumsi minuman probiotik dan konsumsi kopi. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara pengisian kuesioner mandiri, wawancara recall 3x24 jam, serta pengukuran antropometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi konstipasi fungsional sebesar 36,9% dan terdapat hubungan signifikan antara aktivitas fisik, jenis kelamin dan konsumsi minuman probiotik dengan konstipasi fungsional (p-value <0,05), dimana aktivitas fisik merupakan faktor dominan konstipasi fungsional.
Kata kunci: Konstipasi fungsional, remaja, asupan serat, asupan cairan, aktivitas fisik, probiotik

Functional constipation is still common in adolescent. This study aimed to identify the dominant factors associated with functional constipation among high school student at Al-Azhar 2 Islamic High School Pejaten, South Jakarta 2015. This cross-sectional study included 141 students. The collected data were functional constipation status, fiber intake, liquid intake, physical activity, stress level, body mass index, sex, nutrition knowledge, consumption of probiotics beverages and consumption of coffee. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaire, 3x24 hour food recall interview, and measurements of weight and height. The result showed that the prevalence of functional constipation was 36,9%, and there was a significant correlation between physical activity, sex and consumption of probiotics beverages with functional constipation (p-value <0.05), and physical activity as the dominant factor of functional constipation.
Keywords: Functional constipation;