Banyaknya kejadian kesalahan obat di farmasi RS Awal Bros Bekasi. Tujuan penelitian inimembahas faktor yang mempengaruhi kesalahan obat di farmasi RS awal Bros bekasi daripersepan, penyiapan dan pemberian obat. Merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan tujuaneksplanatif. Hasil penelitian ada 274 kejadian. Jenis kesalahan meliputi salah obat, salahpasien, salah baca, salah rute pemberian. Penyebab kesalahan yaitu pengetahuan danketerampilan petugas kurang, kesibukan petugas, komunikasi kurang, kurangnya sosialisasikebijakan dan prosedur, penggunaaan resep online belum maksimal. Saran untuk pencegahankesalahan obat diperlukan sosialisasi kebijakan dan prosedur serta penyempurnaannya danmereview beban kerja petugas serta pelatihan ketrampilan petugas.Kata kunci : Kesalahan Pengobatan, Sosialisasi Kebijakan dan SPO, Review Beban Petugas
The number of error occurrences in the pharmaceutical drug Awal Bros Bekasi. The purposeof this study discusses the factors affecting medication errors in pharmacy Awal Bros bekasiHospital, and it begin from prescribing, dispensing and administring. Is a qualitative studywith an explanatory purposes. Results of the study there were 274 events. Types of errorsinclude wrong drug, wrong patient, wrong reading, wrong route of administration. The causeof the error is lack of knowledge and skills of the officer, the officer busyness, lack ofcommunication, lack of socialization of policies and procedures, the use of prescriptiononline is not maximized. Suggestions for medication error prevention policies and proceduresnecessary socialization and perfected and reviewing officer workload and vocational trainingofficers.Key Word : Medication Errors, Policies and Procedure Socialization, Reviewing OfficerWorkload