Particulate matter merupakan salah satu kontaminan udara yang dihasilkan olehindustri semen. Pajanan jangka panjang ataupun jangka pendek PM2,5mengakibatkan efek kesehatan, salah satunya gangguan fungsi pernapasan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan konsentrasi pajanan personalPM2,5 dan efek akut pernapasan subyektif pada pekerja patrol bagian produksi diindustri semen PT X, tahun 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatifdengan desain deskriptif . Pengukuran konsentrasi PM2,5 menggunakan LelandLegacy Pump dan Sioutas Cascade Impactor selama 8 jam kerja pada patrolerarea reklamer, raw mill, firing, finish mill, dan packhouse. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan rata-rata konsentrasi pajanan personal PM2,5 pada patroler industrisemen PT X adalah 1495,651 μg/m3 dan konsentrasi pajanan PM2,5 tertinggiterdapat pada area packhouse. Seluruh patroler mengalami efek akut pernapasansubyektif, dengan keluhan tertinggi sakit tenggorokan dan bersin (64,7%).Kata kunci:Particulate matter 2,5 (PM2,5), efek akut pernapasan subyektif, pekerja patrolbagian produksi industri semen
Particulate matter is one of the air contaminant produced by cement industry.Health effect that caused by long term or short term of PM2,5 exposure lead torespiratory diseases. This study purposes to describe personal exposureconcentrations of particulate matter (PM2,5) and percentage subjective acuterespiratory effects on production patrol workers at PT X cement industry 2016.This research is a quantitative descriptive study by measuring the concentration ofPM2,5 using personal sampling equipment such as Leland Legacy Pump andSioutas Cascade Impactor during work hours on patrol reklamer, raw mill, firing,finish mill, and pack house work area. The result shown that the average personalexposure concentration of PM2,5 on patrol workers in PT X cement industryamounted to 1495,651 μg/m3 with the highest area of exposure in the pack housework area. All of patrol workers experienced the subjective acute respiratoryeffects with the highest effect are sore throat and sneezing (64,7%).Keywords:Particulate matter 2,5 (PM2,5), subjective acute respiratory effect, productionpatrol workers at cement industry.