Public Health Center is the frontline in the basic health services that include cases of non specialist to be solved in this First Level Health Facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with high referral of National Health Insurance patient with non specialistic cases by PHC to Referral level of Health Care Facilities in Sukabumi during 2015. The study used cross sectional design, on a sample of 58 public health centers along the doctors from each of the public health centers in Sukabumi using a whole sampling. The results showed that there was no relationship between employment status and references the non specialistic cases, there is a relationship between the characteristics of the region and reference the non specialistic cases, there is no relationship between the status category of public health centers based on the ability of the organization and referral of non specialistic cases, there was relationship between the adequacy drug and referral of non-specialistic cases, there was relationship between the adequacy of Medical Devices and references of non specialistic case, there was no correlation between the knowledge of doctors about the concept of gate keeper and referral of cases of non-specialist, there wa no correlation between knowledge of doctors about the case of the non specialist and referral of cases of non-specialist, there was no the relationship between clinicians' knowledge about the concept of gate keeper and referral of cases of non-specialist, there was no relationship between the knowledge of doctors about the concept of gate keeper and referral of cases of non-specialist, the distance of Public health center to health care referral has an influence on the doctor's decision to refer cases of non-specialist, while long work and a day of service or the presence of doctors in the health center to serve the patient has no effect on non-specialist referral. The need for the fulfillment of drugs, medical devices according to the standard, monitoring and evaluation of health centers and referral of cases of non specialist, both from health centers and from the Social Security Agency Health of Sukabumi. Keywords : Public Health Center; referral of cases of non specialist. References : 32 (1993-2015).