Sikap penolakan terhadap ODHA menjadi hambatan besar dalam pencegahan danpengobatan HIV/AIDS. Berbagai penelitian membuktikan bahwa pengetahuan HIV/AIDSdapat mengurangi sikap penolakan terhadap ODHA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmempelajari dan menjelaskan hubungan antara pengetahuan HIV/AIDS dengan sikappenolakan terhadap ODHA pada masyarakat Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini adalah crosssectional dengan menggunakan data SDKI 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaterdapat hubungan yang bermakna namun negatif antara pengetahuan HIV/AIDS dengansikap penolakan terhadap ODHA (p-value=0.001).Kata kunci: HIV/AIDS; ODHA; Pengetahuan;Sikap Penolakan.
The negative attitude is a major obstacle in the prevention and treatment of HIV /AIDS. Various studies have shown that knowledge of HIV / AIDS can reducenegative/rejection attitudes towards people living with HIV. This research aims to study andexplain the relationship between knowledge of HIV / AIDS with an attitude of rejectiontowards people living with HIV in Indonesian society. The study design was cross-sectionalstudy using data from Demographic and Health Survey 2012. The results showed that therewas significant relationship between knowledge HIV / AIDS with an negative attitudetowards people living with HIV but negative (p-value = 0.001). Variables that substantiallybe a confounder is the level of education and media exposure. In addition, there is aninteraction between knowledge with level of education and knowledge with media exposure.Increased knowledge about HIV / AIDS through improved education and media exposure bethe main focus for reducing an attitude of rejection, stigma and discriminationKeywords : HIV / AIDS ; Negative Attitudes;People Living with HIV;Knowledge.