Tesis ini mengkaji kecelakaan kerja di PT XYZ tahun 2015 dengan menggunakanframework Human Factors And Classification System (HFACS). Penelitian iniadalah penelitian semi kuantitatif dengan desain studi deskriptif analitik. Hasildari penelitian ini adalah lapisan dari HFACS yang paling banyak kelemahannyaadalah unsafe act sebanyak 11 dari total 11 kecelakaan yang diteliti denganelemen decision error menjadi faktor yang paling lemah, lalu disusul denganprecondition of unsafe act sebanyak 10 dengan elemen conditions of operatormenjadi faktor yang paling banyak berkontribusi terhadap kecelakaan, lalu disusuldengan unsafe supervision sebanyak 7 dengan elemen inadequate leadershipmenjadi faktor yang paling banyak berkontribusi terhadap kecelakaan, dan yangterakhir organizational influences sebanyak 5 dengan elemen organizationalclimate dan resource management menjadi faktor yang paling banyakberkontribusi terhadap kecelakaan. Hasil analisis penelitian menyarankantindakan perbaikan di tiap tingkatan HFACS baik pada perbaikan kegagalan aktifmaupun laten dengan penekanan pada perbaikan di lapisan unsafe act.
Kata kunci:Kecelakaan, analisis kecelakaan, Human Factors And Classification System, HFACS, Comprehensive List Of Causes, CLC
This thesis assess the accident in PT XYZ 2015 by using Human Factors AndClassification System (HFACS) framework. This research is a semi-quantitativewith design study analytical descriptive. Results from this study are a layer ofHFACS most weakness is unsafe act at 11 from total 11 accidents with theelements of decision error becomes a factor of the number one weakness, thenfollowed with a precondition of unsafe act at 10 with the elements of conditions ofservice to be the factors that most contribute to accidents, followed by unsafesupervision at 7 with inadequate leadership element is the factor that mostcontributed to the accident, and the latter as much as 5 of organizationalinfluences with elements of organizational climate and resource management isthe factor that most contributed to the accident. The analysis of research suggestscorrective actions at each level of HFACS, not only for active failures but alsolatent failures with reinforcing corrective action at the unsafe act layer.
Key words:Accident, accident analysis, Human Factors And Classification System, HFACS,Comprehensive List Of Causes, CLC