Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan komunikasi interpersonal bidandelima dan bidan non delima di Bidan Praktek Mandiri. Desain studi penelitian ini menggunakancross-sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 143 bidanpraktek mandiri di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Analisis data uji bivariat menggunakan Chi-Squaredan uji multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik.Disimpulkan bahwa bidan delima yang mempunyai komunikasi interpersonal baiksebesar 70% sedangkan bidan non delima yang mempunyai komunikasi interpersonal baik hanya12,1%. Status bidan dan masa kerja mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap komunikasiinterpersonal. Bidan delima yang mempunyai masa kerja Type This study attempts to knows the difference communication interpersonal delimamidwives and non delima midwives in the midwife independent practice. Design study thisresearch using cross-sectional. The data collection was done to the spread of the questionnaire to143 midwives practice independently in South Jakarta. Data analysis test bivariate use Chi-Squareand the multivariate use regression logistics.Concluded that Delima midwives who have good interpersonal communication by 70 %but Non Delima midwives who have good interpersonal communication is only 12,1 % . Midwivesstatus and old workings have a significant relation to interpersonal communication . Delimamidwives have long working less than 15 years have 7,3 interpersonal communication better thanNon Delima midwives and Delima midwives have old workings more equal to 15 years have 121,4interpersonal communication better than Non Delima midwives. Interpersonal communication is anon technical abilities that are importan in providing midwifery care and the ability can be trainedthrough communication training. The Ministry of Health together with The Indonesian MidwivesAssociation to support Delima Midwives program and facilitate the training of communication toimprove the interpersonal communication skills of midwives.Keywords: Communication interpersonal, midwives status, delima midwife.