Based on the Report of the Health Research in 2013, showed there were about18,800 cases of deprivation were detected nationwide. DinsosnakertransBogor Regency, recorded from November 2015 to early March 2016, therewere 25 people with mental disorders who have been released from the stocks.From January 2015 until April 2016, found the incidence of deprivation ofpeople with mental disorders (ODGJ) increased to 44 cases, the increase is dueto start its active discovery and reporting of cases of deprivation of theofficials, 27 cases were performed liberation of stocks and hospitalizationMarzoeki Mahdi Bogor. Cases of deprivation that made the liberation of thelargest stocks are in kecamataPamijahan many as 15 cases and five casesDramaga, districts deprivation.The purpose of this study is to get an idea of how the behavior of thefamily against the deprivation of people with mental disorders post-liberationstocks.Researchers use qualitative research design, data collection with depthinterview to four family informant ODGJ post-liberation stocks, twoinformants community leaders and health workers two informants, as well asobserving a family home environment ODGJ in District Pamijahan andDramaga Bogor. The results of this study found the knowledge of the wholefamily ODGJ against the deprivation is still low, there is one family thatdeprived re ODGJ, utilization of health centers for control by the whole familyODGJ post-treatment is still low, supportmasarakat figures are good enough,especially in the discovery of cases of deprivationKeywords: Behavior, Family, deprivation ODGJ, Liberation stocks, BogorRegency.