Latar Belakang : Implementasi sistem rujukan nasional sudah dilakukan sejak tahun 2014 sebagai bagian dari Sistem Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional. Isu ini menjadi penting karena sistem rujukan regional menjamin setiap individu mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang optimal pada setiap level pusat kesehatan per regional wilayah penetapan. Tujuan Penelitian : Dilakukan analisis penguatan fungsi RSUD Dr H. Mohamad Rabain Muara Enim sebagai salah satu rumah sakit rujukan regional di wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan tahun 2016. Metode Penelitian : Suatu studi dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk melakukan analisis penguatan fungsi RSUD Dr H. Mohamad Rabain Muara Enim sebagai salah satu rumah sakit rujukan regional di wilayah Propinsi Sumatera Selatan dengan metode telaah dokumen, wawancara mendalam dan Consensus Decision Making Group. Hasil Penelitian : Dijumpai dua kriteria penetapan yang belum sesuai dengan kriteria penetapan dari Kepmenkes Hk.02.02/Menkes/391/2014 tentang Pedoman Penetapan Rumah Sakit Sebagai Rumah Sakit Rujukan Regional, yaitu kelas rumah sakit dan akreditasi. Kesimpulan : Sebagian besar kriteria penetapan rumah sakit rujukan regional sudah dipenuhi oleh RSUD Dr.H. Mohamad Rabain Muara Enim. Diharapkan kriteria yang belum dipenuhi akan dilengkapi kurang dari lima tahun semenjak penunjukan. Kata Kunci : Penguatan fungsi, rumah sakit rujukan regional, RSUD Dr H. Mohamad Rabain Muara Enim Backgroud : Since 2014, the Indonesian goverment has been implementing the National health Insurance. Accordingly, the regional refferal system is crucial because its needed to ensure that individuals receive optimal care at the approprite level of health care. Aims of study : This study analyses factors in regional refferal hospital program of Muara Enim hospital. Methods :A qualitative study to evaluate Regional Refferal system in Rabain Hospital in Muara Enm Regency, Province Of South Sumatra, Indonesia, 2016. We compared the conformity between the decree of Indonesia Health Ministry about regional refferal system to the real condition in Rabain Hospital. Data was collected by document review, in-depth interview and Consensus Discussion Making Group. Informants of the study were top manajer and middle manager of Rabain Hospital as stakeholder in each their positions. Results: There were two incoherent criterias among specified criteria by Indonesia Health Ministry. We found hospital class and hospital accreditation were not in the rules. Rabain Hospital was in secondary class; should been in tertiary class and not acrreditated by national hospital accreditation committee yet. Conclusion: Our study results that mostly criterias have been fulfill by Muara Enim Hospital in regional refferal system. Between two incoherent criterias were in process of being accreditated on 2017 and upgraded class hospital being tertiary class by the time less then 5 years since apppointed. Needed commitment of all components in Rabain Hospital and supported by local goverment to accelerate its process. Keywords: Strengthening, Regional Refferal System, Rabain Hospital