Waktu tunggu proses pelaksanaan CT Scan kepala pasien stroke iskemik di Intalasi Gawat Darurat RSUP Dr. Moh Hoesin belum standar. Tujuan penelitian adalah menerapkan manajemen lean terhadap proses pelaksanaan CT Scan kepala pasien stroke iskemik di IGD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode operational research. Hasil penelitian didapatkan lead time Current Visual Stream Map (VSM) adalah 175,41 menit. Pada Simulated VSM didapatkan penurunan lead time yang signifikan menjadi 30,09 menit, peningkatan persentase Value Added Activities dan penurunan Non Value Added activites. Disimpulkan bahwa penerapan manajemen lean telah berhasil memperbaiki waktu tunggu proses pelaksanaan CT Scan kepala pasien stroke iskemik di IGD. Kata kunci: lean, value added, non value added but neccessary, non value added, current, lead time value streaming map, simulated value streaming map The waiting time of head CT Scan prosess of ischemic stroke patient in Emergency Departement of Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang has not been standard yet. The objectives was to apply lean management in this process by operational research. We found that lead time of Current Visual Stream Map is 175,41 minutes and in Simulated VSM, there were a significant decrease of lead time to 30,09 minutes, increase of Value added Activites percentage and decrease of Non Value Added Activites. Lean management has been successfully improved the waiting time of head CT Scan proses of ischemic stroke patient in ED. Key word: lean, value added, non value added but neccessary, non value added, current, lead time value streaming map, simulated value streaming map