Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran komite medik dalam tata kelola klinis rumah sakit era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) di Provinsi Jambi pada tahun 2016. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus sampai Desember 2016 di tiga RSUD kelas C dengan pendekatan studi kualitatif. Teknik untuk memperoleh data adalah dengan wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen dan focused group discussion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Komite medik secara umum belum berperan optimal dalam tata kelola klinis rumah sakit era JKN pada RSUD Kelas C Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi, baik dari sisi struktur, proses maupun output meskipun ada pula peran dan fungsi Komite Medik yang telah tertunaikan dengan baik. Kinerja Komite Medik sudah cukup optimal dilihat dari aspek sumber daya dan struktur organisasi. Komite Medik belum berperan optimal dalam proses kredensialing, pemeliharaan mutu profesi dan penjagaan disiplin/etika profesi. Sistem Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional memberi pengaruh baik terhadap peran komite medik dalam tata kelola klinis rumah sakit, karena terdapat beberapa regulasi atau peraturan pelaksana tentang JKN yang terintegrasi dengan peran komite medik, khususnya pada aspek kendali mutu kendali biaya. Peningkatan kompetensi, etika dan disiplin profesi medik serta peningkatan kapasitas pengurus Komite Medik maupun Direktur Rumah Sakit merupakan upaya yang dapat meningkatkan peran Komite Medik. Demikian juga halnya dengan pengelolaan organisasi dan penyempurnaan regulasi terpadu terkait tata kelola klinis rumah sakit era JKN. Kata kunci: Komite Medik, tata kelola klinis, RSUD, Era JKN This research aims to know the role of the medical committee in the hospital clinical governance of National Health Guarantee (JKN) era on Regional Government Hospital (RSUD) in Jambi Province in the year 2016. The research done on September until December 2016 in three RSUD class C with qualitative study approach. The technique to obtain data is with the in-depth interviews, examine the document and focused group discussions. The results of the study showed that the medical Committee in general has not been optimal role in clinical governance JKN era hospital on RSUD Class C District in the Province of Jambi, from the sides of the structure, process and output even though there is also the role and function of the Medical Committee that has been obeyed well. The performance of the Medical Committee for optimal enough already seen from the aspect of the resources and organizational structure. Medical Committee has not been optimal role in the process of credensialing, keeping the quality of the profession and the guard discipline/professional ethics. JKN system has a good influence on the role of medical committee in the hospital clinical governance because there are some regulation or implementing regulations about JKN integrated with the role of the medical committee, especially in the aspect of cost control quality control. Competency Improvement, the ethics and discipline of the Medical profession and the improvement of the capacity of the Medical Committee and the Director of the hospital is an effort that can increase the role of the Medical Committee. So also with the management of the organization and enhancements to the integrated regulations related to the hospital clinical governance JKN era. Key Words: Medical Committee, clinical governance, Regional Government Hospital (RSUD), JKN Era