
ABSTRAK Nama : M. Zaid Alherisyah Program Studi  : Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Judul : Sistem Informasi Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Perawat ICU berdasarkan Analisis Beban Kerja dan Kualifikasi Standar Minimal di RS PMC Pekanbaru Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sistem informasi pemenuhkebutuhan tenaga perawat ICU berdasarkan analisis beban kerja yang sesurekomendasi Kementerian Kesehatan, dan berdasarkan kualifikasi standminimal perawat ICU. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalaSDLC (System Development Life Cycle) yang berbasis prototypinPengembangan sistem dimulai dari tahap perencanaan dengan analisis kelayakaanalisis sistem informasi, desain interface dan perancangan database, serimplementasi yang dibatasi sampai pada uji coba prototipe sistem informasi yanmenghasilkan informasi hasil analisis ABK, analisis pemenuhan kualifikastandar minimal perawat ICU dan perawat pelamar. Dari hasil simulasi prototipsistem informasi ini membantu memudahkan pengguna untuk mendapatkinformasi kebutuhan jumlah tenaga berdasarkan beban kerja ril berdasarkan ABdan informasi pemenuhan kualifikasi standar minimal perawat ICU.  Untuimplementasi yang berkelanjutan diperlukan peningkatan kemampuan dapengguna dan dukungan manajemen seperti adanya aspek legal dan ketersediainsfratruktur. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, SDLC, Analisis Beban Kerja, Perawat ICU.

ABSTRACT Name : M. Zaid Alherisyah Study Program : Master of Public Health Title : Information System for Fulfillment of Nursing Needs of ICU Nurses based on Workload Analysis and Qualification of Minimum Standards at PMC Hospital Pekanbaru This study aims to develop an information system for the fulfillment of ICU nurses based on workload analysis according to recommendation of the Ministry of Health, and based on the minimum standard qualifications of ICU nurses. System development method used is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) based on prototyping. The development of the system starts from the planning phase with feasibility analysis, information system analysis phase, interface design and database design, and implementation is limited to the prototype test of information system that produces workload analysi information, the analysis of fulfillment with minimum qualification of ICU nurses and applicant nurses. From the simulation it showed that this information system help the users to obtain information needs of the number of personnel based on the real workload based and information on the fulfillment of minimum qualifications of ICU nurses. For the implementation it will need user capabilities and  management support as legal aspects and infrastructures. Key words: Information system, SDLC, workload, ICU nurses.