Kepuasan pelayanan merupakan salah satu indikator pemantauan kualitas pelayanan. Kepuasan pelayanan persalinan dipengaruhi berbagai faktor dan dinilai dari lima dimensi mutu pelayanan tangible, reability, responsivness, assurance dan emphaty. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pelayanan persalinan dan faktor yang berpengaruh dengan kepuasan pelayanan. Variabel terikat kepuasan pelayanan persalinan, variabel bebas: umur, jumlah anak, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengetahuan, tempat pelayanan dan biaya pelayanan. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional, waktu penelitian 1-20 Mei 2017 menggunakan kuesioner. Populasi seluruh ibu bersalin normal 538, sampel sebanyak 140 diambil secara systemstic random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata tingkat kepuasan pelayanan persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan se-Kota Jambi 89,9%. Prioritas utama perbaikan pelayanan pada kebersihan ruang persalinan dan kebersihan kamar mandi ruang perawatan. Faslitas swasta paling berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan, diikuti keterjangkauan biaya dan ibu dengan pendidikan tinggi. Perlunya rumah sakit, puskesmas, rumah bersalin dan BPS untuk menjaga kebersihan terutama di ruangan pelayanan dan kamar mandi pasien, memperhatikan karakteristik pasien saat memberikan pelayanan. Khususnya fasilitas pemerintah dapat efesiensi biaya guna mensejajarkan pelayanan dengan swasta. Bagi fasilitas swasta ikut kerjasama dengan BPJS agar biaya pelayanan dapat dijangkau masyarakat. Kata kunci: Kepuasan, pelayanan persalinan, dimensi mutu Service satisfaction is one of the indicators of service quality monitoring. Maternity service satisfaction is influenced by various factors and assessed from five dimensions of tangible, reability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty service quality. The purpose of the study to know the level of satisfaction of delivery services and factors that influence with service satisfaction. Dependent variable of satisfaction of delivery service, independent variable: age, number of children, education, occupation, knowledge, service place and service cost. The type of quantitative research with cross sectional design, the time of the study from May 1 to 20, 2017 using questionnaires. The total maternal population was 538, 140 samples were taken by systemstic random sampling. The results showed the satisfaction level of delivery service in health facilities in Jambi City 89.9%. The main priority of service improvement on the cleanliness of the delivery room and the cleanliness of the bathroom treatment room. Private facilities are most influential on satisfaction, followed by cost affordability and mothers with higher education. The need for hospital, health center, maternity hospital and BPS to maintain hygiene, especially in patient service room and bathroom, pay attention to patient characteristic when giving service. In particular, government facilities can cost efficiency to align services with the private sector. For private facilities join the cooperation with BPJS so that service costs can be reached by the community. Key words: Satisfaction, delivery service, quality dimension