Pelayanan kesehatan dasar adalah jenis pelayanan publik yang mendasar dan mutlak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sosial ekonomi dan pemerintahan. Undang Undang nomor 44 tahun 2009 tentang rumah sakit pasal 40 ayat 1 disebutkan bahwa dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pelayanan rumah sakit wajib dilakukan akreditasi secara berkala minimal 3 tahun sekali. Selanjutnya dikeluarkan Permenkes 129/Menkes/ PER/II/2008 tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal yang menjadi panduan bagi daerah dalam melaksanakan penyelenggaraan SPM di Rumah Sakit. Salah satu model pengukuran yang sudah dikenal dan terbukti secara efektif untuk mengukur mutu manajemen adalah dengan pendekatan Malcolm Baldrige Assessment. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis mutu kinerja RSUD Cempaka Putih. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melihat gambaran pencapaian SPM sebelum dan sesudah akreditasi. Posisi skor kinerja RSUD Cempaka Putih berdasarkan MBA didapatkan hasil 259 (self assessment) dan atau 241 (penilaian peneliti), maka masuk dalam kisaran/ rentang 0-275, berada dalam jenjang predikat early development. RSUD Cempaka Putih dapat mengembangkan bagian yang menjadi opportunity for improvement. MBA dapat digunakan untuk melakukan penilaian mutu organisasi secara umum dan juga secara khusus seperti penilaian yang dilakukan untuk melihat pencapaian SPM sebelum dan sesudah akreditasi di RSUD Cempaka Putih.

Basic health care is a basic and essential type of public service to meet the needs of society in socio-economic and governance. Undang Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 44 of 2009 on hospital article 40 paragraph 1 mentioned that in an effort to improve the quality of hospital services must be done accreditation periodically at least 3 years. Subsequently issued Permenkes 129 / Menkes / PER / II / 2008 on Minimum Service Standards that become guidance for the region in implementing the SPM in the Hospital. One well-known and proven measurement model that effectively measures quality management is the Malcolm Baldrige Assessment approach. The purpose of this research is to analyze the quality of RSUD Cempaka Putih performance. The type of this research is descriptive analytic research with qualitative approach by looking at the achievement of MSS before and after accreditation. The position of RSUD Cempaka Putih performance score based on the MBA obtained 259 results (self assessment) and / or 241 (assessment of researchers), then entered in the range / range 0-275, is in the level of early development predicate. RSUD Cempaka Putih can develop part which become opportunity for improvement. The MBA can be used to assess the quality of the organization in general as well as in particular the assessment undertaken to see the achievement of MSS before and after accreditation at RSUD Cempaka Putih. Basic health care is a basic and essential type of public service to meet the needs of society in socio-economic and governance. Undang Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 44 of 2009 on hospital article 40 paragraph 1 mentioned that in an effort to improve the quality of hospital services must be done accreditation periodically at least 3 years. Subsequently issued Permenkes 129 / Menkes / PER / II / 2008 on Minimum Service Standards that become guidance for the region in implementing the SPM in the Hospital. One well-known and proven measurement model that effectively measures quality management is the Malcolm Baldrige Assessment approach. The purpose of this research is to analyze the quality of RSUD Cempaka Putih performance. The type of this research is descriptive analytic research with qualitative approach by looking at the achievement of MSS before and after accreditation. The position of RSUD Cempaka Putih performance score based on the MBA obtained 259 results (self assessment) and / or 241 (assessment of researchers), then entered in the range / range 0-275, is in the level of early development predicate. RSUD Cempaka Putih can develop part which become opportunity for improvement. The MBA can be used to assess the quality of the organization in general as well as in particular the assessment undertaken to see the achievement of MSS before and after accreditation at RSUD Cempaka Putih.