Di era JKN ini, rumah sakit dituntut harus efisien dalam mengendalikan biaya layanan agar tidak melebihi tarif INA CBGs dengan catatan mutu layanan harus tetap terjaga dengan baik. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif ini bertujuan menganalisis biaya berdasarkan tarif rumah sakit dan klaim INA CBGs pada pasien peserta BPJS kasus sectio caesarea di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus pada Januari sampai Agustus Tahun 2016.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui biaya yang tidak dibayar sesuai tarif rumah sakit sebesar Rp 1.708.663.354 (42%). Biaya pelayanan persalinan sesar ringan sesuai tarif rumah sakit pada kelas 1 sebesar Rp 10.267.710,-, kelas 2 sebesar Rp 9.441.399,- dan kelas 3 sebesar Rp 8.591.730,-. Komponen biaya tertinggi adalah biaya tindakan operasi. Sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian ulang tarif pelayanan Sectio caesarea.
Kata Kunci : tarif rumah sakit, tarif INA CBGs, Sectio Caesaria.

In this National Health Insurance period, hospital ospitals are required to be efficient in controlling the cost of services so as not to exceed the tariff of INA CBGs with the quality record of the service must be maintained properly. This quantitative descriptive study aims to analyze the cost of Sectio caesarea of BPJS participants based on hospital rates and INA CBGs rates in dr. Doris Sylvanus regional public hospital on January until August 2016.
The result revealed that the unpaid cost according to hospital rates is Rp 1.708.663.354 (42%). The cost of light cesarean delivery service according to hospital rates in grade 1 is Rp 10,267,710,-, 2nd grade is Rp 9,441,399,- and grade 3rd is Rp 8,591,730,-. The highest cost component is the cost of surgery. So it is necessary to review the hospital rates of cesarean delivery service.
Keywords : hospital rate, INA CBGs rate, Sectio Caesaria