The tools used in this study are Quick Exposure Checklist to assess physical factors, the combination of psychosocial questionnaire are Effort Reward Imbalance, COPSOQ, NIOSH Generic Job Stress dan NIOSH Quality of Work Life (QWL) to assess psychosocial factors and Salivary Amylase Activation testing to assess work uhrelated stress and fatigue among fire fighters. Fatigue subjective measurement use tools form Sweedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI) and Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS). Physic factors (force, awkward posture and manual handling), psychosocial factors (effort, reward, overcommittment, rolestress, emotional demand, social support and non work related factors) and organisational factors are the independent variables of work related stress and fatigue which are the dependent variable in this study. The result of this study shows that risk factor (neck) has correlation with fatigue (CI 95% 1,75-16,16; OR 5,32), psychosocial factors such emotional demand (CI 95% 1,04-5,78; OR 1,56), rolestress (CI 95% 1,23-4,76; OR 1,52) and family social support (CI 95% 1,27-5,43; OR 2,51) influence stress, organisational factors such type of work (CI 95% 0,05-0,55; OR 0,16), shift work (CI 95% 0,06-0,54; OR 0,18) and status of workers have correlations with stress