Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) Rumah Sakit Hermina Bekasi setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan, begitupula dengan jumlah pasien yang masuk rawat inap melalui instalasi gawat darurat. Peningkatan ini menyebabkan adanya penumpukan pasien boarding di instalasi gawat darurat yang belum dapat ditransfer ke ruang rawat inap. Penelitian ini menganalisis proses boarding dan transfer pasien dari IGD ke rawat inap melalui pendekatan lean six-sigma dengan teknik time motion study kepada 30 pasien. Pendekatan lean memperlihatkan persentase aktivitas value added dan non value added sedangkan six sigma memberikan gambaran variasi kegiatan pada proses. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien membutuhkan waktu selama 2 jam 31 menit 48 detik dalam proses boarding dan transfer dengan persentase aktivitas value added 20,77% dan non value added 79,23%. Berdasarkan analisis 5whys didapatkan akar penyebab masalah yaitu pemulangan pasien yang belum terencana.
Kata kunci: boarding, transfer, lean six sigma, Instalasi Gawat Darurat Every year,

Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) of Hermina Hospital Bekasi has increased, as well as the number of patients who admitted to the hospital through emergency room. This increase leads to the buildup of boarding patients at emergency departments that can not be transferred to the inpatient room. This study analyzes the boarding and transfer of patients from ED to inpatient room through lean six-sigma approach with time motion study from 30 patients. The lean approach shows the percentage of value added and non value added activities while six sigma provides an overview of the activity variations in the process. The results showed that the patient took 2 hours 31 minutes 48 seconds in the process of boarding and transfer with the percentage of value added activities 20.77% and non value added activities 79.23%. Based on 5whys analysis, the root cause of the problem is the unplanned discharge patient.
Keywords: boarding, transfer, lean six sigma, Emergency Department