Student Centered E-Learning (SCeLE) merupakan media pembelajaran online yang mulai digunakan pada tahun 2008. Penggunaan SCeLE pada Rumpun Sosial dan Humaniora paling rendah dibandingkan dengan Rumpun Sains dan Teknologi serta Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan di Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penerimaan teknologi yang memengaruhi tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa sosial humaniora dalam menggunakan SCeLE. Penelitian ini menggunakan penggabungan antara teori information success model DeLone & McLean dan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dengan analisis menggunakan SEM-PLS. Hasil penelitian dari 9 hipotesis terdapat 7 hipotesis diterima dan 2 hipotesis yang ditolak. Hipotesis yang ditolak yaitu service quality berpengaruh terhadap perceived usefulness, dan system quality berpengaruh terhadap perceived usefulness. Hipotesis yang diterima adalah Service quality berpengaruh terhadap perceived ease of us, Information quality berpengaruh terhadap perceived ease of use, Information quality berpengaruh terhadap perceived usefulness, System quality berpengaruh terhadap perceived ease of use, perceived ease of use berpengaruh terhadap behavioural intention, perceived usefulness berpengaruh terhadap behavioural intention, behavioural intention berpengaruh terhadap user satisfaction.
Kata Kunci : SCeLE, SEM-PLS, Universitas Indonesia, information success model, dan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

Student Centered E-Learning (SCeLE) is an online learning media that was used in 2008. The use of SCeLE in the Social and Humanities Cluster was the lowest compared to the Science and Technology Cluster and the Health Sciences Cluster at the University of Indonesia. This study aims to determine the technology acceptance factors that affect the level of satisfaction of social humanities students in using SCeLE.This study uses a merger between DeLone & McLean's information success model and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with analysis using SEM-PLS. The results of the study of 9 hypotheses there are 7 hypotheses accepted and 2 hypotheses rejected. The rejected hypothesis is that service quality has an effect on perceived usefulness, and system quality has an effect on perceived usefulness. The most accepted hypothesis is Service quality affect the perceived ease of us, Information quality affect the perceived ease of use, Information quality affect the perceived usefulness, System quality affect the perceived ease of use, perceived ease of use influence on behavioral intention, perceived usefulness influential to behavioral intention, behavioral intention effect on user satisfaction.
Keywords : SCeLE, SEM-PLS, University of Indonesia, information success model, dan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)