ABSTRAK vi Universitas Indonesia ABSTRAK Nama : Rosinta Uli NPM : 1606944072 Program Studi : Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Judul : Studi Intervensi Relaksasi Otot Progresif Dalam Mengatasi Kelelahan Perawat Di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Jiwa Jambi Tahun 2018 Fatigue in the workplace became a topic of concern in the field of health and psychology and experienced a significant increase in the number of cases in the last decade. Fatigue has a negative impact in the short term and the long term. Short-term impact for example, emergence of discomfort, decreased strength, and decreased motor control. The impact of short-term leads to reduced performance, productivity, quality of work, and an increase in the incidence of accidents and human error. In the long term, prolonged fatigue can lead to absenteeism, skeletal muscle disorders, and disability. Nursing is an occupation dominated by women with the characteristics of high job demands, high work stress levels, and a high level of fatigue. In addition, nurses work with shift system at different times during the day and evening that is associated with the issue of recovery from fatigue. Fatigue that occurs in the nurse can affect the health condition of the nurse and also patient safety that handled. Fatigue on nurses can influence the function of the neurocognitive and also the performance of the nurses. Fatigue on nurses can lead to medical errors, decreased performance, decreased mental acuity, and social problems. Fatigue can be measured either objectively or subjectively. Objectively, fatigue can be viewed from physiological functions such as pulse rate or oxygen saturation. Meanwhile, subjectively can be measured by using a subjective feeling questionnaire of fatigue. This research aims to know the effectiveness of the interventions of progressive muscle relaxation in overcoming fatigue on nurses at Jambi Mental Hospital. This research was conducted on 42 nurses in inpatient installation. The study design was quasiexperimental with within-subject design with pre-test post-test, which was conducted in two interventions (routine activity without progressive muscle relaxation and with progressive muscle relaxation) in one group of the same subjects at different times to know the immediate effects of progressive muscle relaxation against pulse rate, oxygen saturation, and subjective feeling of fatigue of nurses. Statistically, the results showed that progressive muscle relaxation showed a significant effect on decreasing pulse rate and decreasing subjective feeling score of fatigue (p <0,05). As for oxygen saturation, progressive muscle relaxation did not show a significant effect (p> 0.05). Keywords: Nurse Fatigue, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Pulse Rate, Oxygen Saturation, Subjective Feeling Fatigue