Hypertension or high blood pressure is a global health problem, including in Indonesia because of its high prevalence. Hypertension does not provide typical complaints and symptoms so many sufferers do not realize it. Therefore hypertension is called the silent killer, the prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia in 2013 is 25.8%, in 2015 23.8%, in 2016 30.9%. Prevalence in women is 32.9%, men 28.7%, in urban areas 31.7%, rural areas 30.2% and the number 3 cause of death in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the relationship between consumption patterns of fast food, soft drinks and meat with the incidence of hypertension in the adult population in Indonesia in 2014 using IFLS-5 data. The design of the study in this study was analytic observational with a cross-sectional study design, this study was conducted in October-November 2018 in Depok City. The results of the study were the prevalence of hypertension in the adult population (≥ 18 yrs - 101 yrs) of 18.91%, people who consumed fast food, age> 30 years, with female gender, low education and suffering from diabetes mellitus were at risk for hypertension by 1 , 47 times to experience hypertension compared to people who do not consume fast food, PRadj 1.47 (95% CI: 1.16 - 1.86) P-value 0.001. People who consume soft drinks, age> 30 years, are female, with low education and suffer from diabetes mellitus at a risk of 1.63 times compared to people who do not consume PRadj soft drinks; 1.63 (95% CI; 1.37 - 1.95) P-value 0,000. People who consume meat, age> 30 years in female sex, low education, smoke and suffer from diabetes mellitus are not associated with the incidence of hypertension PRadj 1.00 (95% CI: 0.92 - 1.09) P-value 0.885. It is recommended to the public to consume foods that contain balanced nutrition, take measurements of blood pressure at least 1 time / month, to the Health Office to conduct counseling or healthy food campaigns that contain balanced nutrition, to the Ministry of Health, promote the consumption pattern of 4 perfectly healthy 5.
Keywords: Hypertension, Fast Food, Soft Drink, Meat and IFLS-5.