Difteri masih menjadi masalah serius di beberapa negara di dunia. meskipun vaksinasi difteri telah rutin dilaksanakan sejak tahun 70-an, masih terjadi laporan Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) difteri terutama di negara berkembang. Menurut WHO, pada tahun 2000, dilaporkan 30.000 kasus dan 3.000 kematian karena difteri di dunia. Salah satu upaya pengendalian penyakit difteri adalah dengan penguatan sistem surveilans difteri. Dimana surveilans difteri berperan penting untuk menilai dampak dan sebagai sistem kewaspadaan dini agar bisa dilakukan penanggulangan difteri secara tepat dan cepat. Sistem surveilans yang baik sangat diperlukan untuk melihat pengembangan penyakit dan meminimalisir penularan penyakit. Untuk itu perlu adanya evaluasi system surveilans difteri di wilayah Dinas Kota Depok. Metode ini menggunakan pendekatan system yang terdiri dari input, proses, dan output. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder yang diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok dan dua Puskesmas di Wilayah Kota Depok. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dalam penyelenggaraan surveilans difteri ditemukan beberapa hambatan yakni kurangnya pelatihan bagi tenaga kesehatan surveilans di Dinas Kesehatan dan beban kerja yang tinggi di Puskesmas. Selain itu ketepatan dan kelengkapan laporan yang masih belum tepat waktu, diperlukan adanya sistem surveilans difteri agar surveilans difteri berjalan dengan baik.

Diphtheria is still a serious problem in several countries in the world. although diphtheria vaccination has been routinely carried out since the 70s, there are still reports of diphtheria outbreaks, especially in developing countries. According to WHO, in 2000, 30,000 cases were reported and 3,000 deaths from diphtheria in the world. One effort to control diphtheria is by strengthening the diphtheria surveillance system. Where diphtheria surveillance plays an important role to assess the impact and as an early vigilance system so that the diphtheria prevention can be carried out appropriately and quickly. A good surveillance system is needed to see the development of disease and minimize transmission of disease. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the diphtheria surveillance system in the Depok City Service area. This method uses a system approach consisting of input, process, and output. The data sources used are primary and secondary data obtained from in-depth interviews, observations, and document review. This research was conducted at the Depok City Health Office and two Puskesmas in the Depok City Area. Based on the results of the study, it was found that in the implementation of diphtheria surveillance there were several obstacles, namely the lack of health workers for surveillance at the Health Office and high workload at the Puskesmas. In addition, the accuracy and completeness of the reports are still not on time, and a diphtheria surveillance system is needed so that diphtheria surveillance works well.were collected by means of deep interview. The researcher suggests that library should improve the user education program and provide facilities which can help students to be information literate.