Skripsi ini membahas mengenai perancangan prototipe sistem monitoring kinerja pegawai di BBPK Ciloto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengembangan sistem Iteratif dan Incremental sampai tahap prototipe halaman antar muka (interface). Berdasarkan hasil pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepada responden di BBPK Ciloto, ditemukan permasalahan dimana sistem monitoring kinerja pegawai yang berjalan masih manual mengakibatkan proses penilaian kinerja pegawai belum berdasarkan data yang terukur. Hal ini yang menjadi peluang peneliti untuk merancang sebuah prototipe sistem monitoring kinerja pegawai berbasis web dengan harapan proses monitoring hasil kerja pegawai dapat dilakukan secara real- time oleh atasan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dirancang sebuah prototipe sistem monitoring kinerja pegawai berbasis web.

This study discusses the design of prototype for an employee performance monitoring system at BBPK Ciloto. This research is a qualitative research with Iterative and Incremental system development methods until prototyping interfaces. Based on the results of data collection conducted by the interview method to respondents at BBPK Ciloto, problems were found where the monitoring system of employee performance that was still manual resulted in the process of evaluating employee performance not based on measurable data. This is an opportunity for researchers to design a prototype web- based employee performance monitoring system in the hope that the monitoring process of employee work results can be carried out in real-time by superiors. Based on this, a web-based employee performance monitoring system prototype was designed.