Intention to quit merupakan niat seseorang yang merupakan bagian dari perilaku berpindah. Intention to quit dipengaruhi oleh berbagai macam faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya intention to quit, stress kerja, kepuasan kerja, pelanggaran kontrak psikolgis dan pengaruhnya pada tingkat intention to quit perawat di RSIA Murni Asih Tangerang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional dengan metode kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 62 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stress kerja, pelanggaran kontrak psikologis dan intention to quit tinggi terjadi pada perawat di RSIA murni Asih dan hampir sebagian perawat RSIA Murni Asih mengalami Ketidakpuasan kerja. Terdapat hubungan yang negative antara stres kerja, pelanggaran kontrak psikologis, kepuasan kerja terhadap tingkat intention to quit perawat di RSIA Murni Asih.
Kata Kunci : Intention to quit, stress kerja, kepuasan kerja, pelanggaran kontrak psikologis, perawat

Intention to quit is someone's intention which is part of moving behavior. Intention to quit is influenced by various factors. This study aims to determine the magnitude of intention to quit, work stress, job satisfaction, violation of psychology contracts and their effects at the level of intention to quit nurses at the Pure Asih Hospital in Tangerang. This research is a cross sectional study with quantitative methods. The number of samples in this study were 62 samples. The results showed that work stress, psychological contract violations and high intention to quit occurred in nurses in pure Asih Hospital and almost half of Pure Pure RSIA nurses experienced job dissatisfaction. There is a negative relationship between work stress, violation of psychological contracts, job satisfaction to the level of intention to quit nurses at Pure Asih Hospital.
Keywords: Intention to quit, work stress, job satisfaction, psychological contract violation, nurse