Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Narrative Review tentang analisis konsepLean Thinking terhadap perbaikan waktu tunggu pelayanan pasien Instalasi Rawat JalanRumah Sakit di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaranimplementasi konsep Lean Thinking dalam mengatasi waktu tunggu pelayanan pasienInstalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit. Agar memperoleh literatur layak uji, penelitimenggunakan pedoman PRISMA. Peneliti mendapatkan 12 literatur dengan metodepenelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa konsep Leandapat membuktikan proses pelayanan rawat jalan Rumah Sakit di Indonesia masihbelum Lean. Terdapat 7 literatur yang menunjukkan bahwa Lean efektif mengurangilama waktu tunggu pelayanan pasien rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit dibuktikan denganmengadopsi prinsip utama Lean, yaitu Standardize work dan Heijunka. Agar tercapaikondisi Lean, Rumah Sakit harus menyelaraskan implementasi antara 5 prinsip Lean(Customer value, value stream, flow, pull, perfection) dengan budaya organisasi, polapikir, metode Lean, membudayakan 5 S, dengan melibatkan seluruh pihak di RumahSakit untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan.Kata kunci:Waktu Tunggu Rawat Jalan; Lean Rumah Sakit; Lean Hospital
This study uses the Narrative Review method concerning the analysis of theLean Thinking concept towards improving the waiting time for patient services in theOutpatient Hospital in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to describe theimplementation of the Lean Thinking concept in overcoming the waiting time for patientservices in the Hospital Outpatient Installation. In order to obtain test-worthyliterature, researchers used the PRISMA guidelines. The researcher obtained 12literatures using qualitative and quantitative research methods. The results of the studyconclude that the Lean concept can prove that the outpatient service process ofhospitals in Indonesia is still not Lean. There are 7 literatures that show that Lean iseffective in reducing the waiting time of outpatient services at the hospital as evidencedby adopting Lean's main principles, namely Standardize work and Heijunka. In order toachieve the Lean condition, the Hospital must align the implementation of the 5 Leanprinciples (customer value, value stream, flow, pull, perfection) with organizationalculture, mindset, Lean method, cultivate the 5 S, by involving all parties in the hospitalto solve problems consistently and continuously.Keywords:Outpatient Waiting Time; Lean Hospital.