Kompetensi merupakan kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki seseorang untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kesiapan guru PAUD dalam aspek kompetensi gizi dan kesehatan menurut survei daring yang diadakan oleh SEAMEO RECFON dengan melihat gambaran hasil kompetensi berdasarkan karakteristik peserta dan menilai kualitas pengukuran kompetensi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, sampel yang digunakan total sampling sebanyak 78.711 guru PAUD. Analisis meliputi analisis butir soal (tingkat kesukaran butir soal, daya pembeda soal, distribusi jawaban dan rasch model) dan analisis deskriptif terhadap karakteristik responden. Hasil penelitian terhadap butir soal didapatkan 3 item soal yang dinyatakan tidak layak, 8 item soal yang diterima dengan perbaikan, dan ke 29 soal item lainnya sudah cukup baik untuk mengukur kemampuan peserta. Pengukuran menggunakan rasch model, didapatkan keseluruha soal ujian sudah fit secara statistik dan sudah memiliki variasi tingkat kesukaran item yang baik. Hasil analisis Reliabilitas Kuder Ridchardson (KR21) sebesar 0,742 menunjukkan reliabilitas soal dapat diterima. Secara keselurahan kompetensi gizi dan kesehatan guru PAUD belum baik dengan tingkat kelulusan sebesar 33,6%, standar kelulusan menggunakan nilai cut off point 70%. Semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan persentase kelulusan semakin baik, namun tidak berlaku untuk tingkat pendidikan Doktor hal ini dikarenakan adanya kemungkinan memegang peran manajemen PAUD. Semakin lama pengalaman mengajar persentase kelulusan kompetensinya semakin baik. Domisili terbanyak yang menjadi peserta ujian tinggal di wilayah Indonesia Barat. Peserta dengan riwayat pelatihan (DIKLAT dasar dan pelatihan gizi-kesehatan) persentase kelulusannya lebih baik dibanding kelulusan peserta yang tidak ikut pelatihan. Peserta yang terlibat menjadi kader posyandu persentase kelulusan kompetensinya lebih baik dibanding persentase kelulusan guru yang bukan kader posyandu. Kata kunci: analisis item; analisis reliabilitas; guru pendidikan anak usia dini; kompetensi gizi kesehatan; Rasch model; survei kuisioner online. Competence is a basic ability that must be possessed by someone to achieve success in work. This study aims to assess the readiness of ECE teachers in nutritional and health competency aspects according to an online survey conducted by SEAMEO RECFON by looking at the picture of competency results based on participant characteristics and assessing the quality of competency measurement. This research is a study quantitative descriptive, the sample used is a total sampling of 78,711 ECE teachers. The analysis includes item analysis (item difficulty level, item discrimination, distribution answers, Rasch model) and descriptive analysis of the respondent's characteristics. The results of the research on the items obtained 3 items that were declared not feasible, 8 items were received with improvement, and the other 29 item items were good enough to measure the ability of participants. Measurement using the Rasch model, obtained all exam questions are statistically fit and already have a good variation in the level of difficulty items. The results of the Kuder Ridchardson Reliability Analysis (KR21) of 0.742 indicate the reliability of the questions is acceptable. Overall, the nutrition and health competence of PAUD teachers is not good with a graduation rate of 33,6%, the passing grade uses a 70% cut off point value. The higher the level of education the better percentage of graduation, but it does not apply to Doctoral education leves because of the possibility of holding PAUD management roles. The longer teaching experience the better percentage of graduation. Most domiciles who become test takers live in Western Indonesia. Participants with a history of training (basic training and nutrition-health training) the percentage of graduation is better than graduation of participants who did not participate in the training. Participants who were involved in becoming Posyandu cadre graduation rate were better than the graduation percentage of teachers who were not Posyandu cadres. Key words: early childhood education teacher; health - nutrition competency; item analysis; online survey questionnaire; Rasch model; reliability analysis.