Jumlah remaja Indonesia berusia 10-24 tahun menurut BPS 2018 berkisar 25% dari jumlah total penduduk Indonesia. Masa remaja sangat rentan terhadap berbagai masalah kesehatan terutama yang bersumber dari perilaku seksual seksual berisiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak program Posyadu Remaja terhadap Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Suku Tengger di Kecamatan Tosari Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini 233 responden remaja berusia 10-24 tahun yang terbagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu; 72 responden mengikuti Posyandu Remaja secara Rutin sedangkan 161 responden tidak mengikuti Posyandu Remaja Dalam penelitian ini dampak Posyandu Remaja terhadap perilaku seksual berisikiko masih sangat kecil sehingga dalam perhitungan statistik hasilnya tidak signifikan. Meningkatkan kapasitas kader remaja melalui pelatihan dan pembinaan penting dilakukan untuk optimalisari program.

The number of Indonesian sdolescence aged 10-24 years according to BPS 2018 is around 25 % of the total population in Indonesia. Adolescence is very vulnerable to various health problems, especially those originating from risky sexual sexual behavior. This study aims to look at the impact of the Posyadu Remaja program on Tengger Adolescent Reproductive Health in Tosari, East Java. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The sample size in this study was 233 respondents of adolescents aged 10-24 years, divided into two groups, namely; 72 respondents attend the Posyandu Remaja routinely while 161 respondents do not take the Posyandu Remaja. Multivariate analysis results show that variables related to knowledge are age, education and information sources of health workers. Variables related to attitude are knowledge, information sources from posyandu remaja, teachers and parents. Variables related to high-risk sexual behavior are attitude variables, sources of information from parents or family, age, level of education and level of knowledge. Attitude is the most dominant variable with high risk sexual behavior p value = 0.001 (OR: 17.68, 95% CI: 4.36 - 71.70). In this study, Posyandu Adolescents are not related to adolescent knowledge, attitudes or sexual behavior. Increasing the capacity of youth cadres through training and coaching is important to be done to optimize the program.