Kebakaran kapal masih menjadi penyumbang kecelakaan yang cukup signifikan di Judul Tesis Indonesia dan di luar negeri. Kegagalan dalam memberikan respon keadaan darurat kebakaran dapat menimbulkan kerugian yang besar seperti kerusakan property, pencemaran lingkungan, rusaknya reputasi bahkan kehilangan nyawa. Diperlukan usaha secara berkelanjutan untuk memastikan kesiapan awak kapal, program-program, sarana dan prasarana serta manajemen dapat merespon keadaan darurat kebakaran dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang kesiapsiagaan keadaan darurat kebakaran dikapal tunda berdasarkan regulasi SOLAS CHAPTER II-2 dan regulasi pendukungnya seperti ISM Code Chapter 8, SOLAS Chapter ( III, IV dan V ) di perusahaan PT. ABC pada tahun 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan cara melakukan analisa data sekunder yang ada di PT. ABC terhadap regulasi SOLAS dan ISM Code, selanjutnya adalah memberikan rekomendasi dari hasil analisa tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai poesentase untuk program-program tanggap darurat terutama diprogram identifikasi bahaya kebakaran adalah 50% tingkat pemenuhanya terhadap standar, untuk sarana dan prasarana

Ship fires are still a significant contributor to accidents in Indonesia and abroad. Failure to respond to a fire emergency can cause great losses such as damage to property, pollution of the environment, damage to reputation and even loss of life. Continued efforts are needed to ensure the readiness of the crew, programs, facilities and infrastructure as well as management can respond to fire emergencies properly. This study aims to explain the preparedness of a fire emergency on a delay ship based on SOLAS CHAPTER II-2 regulations and supporting regulations such as ISM Code Chapter 8, SOLAS Chapter (III, IV and V) in the company PT. ABC in 2020. This research is a descriptive analytic study by analyzing secondary data at PT. ABC on the regulation of SOLAS and ISM Code, next is to provide recommendations from the results of the analysis. The results showed the percentage value for emergency response programs, especially programmed fire hazard identification is 50% level of compliance with the standard, for facilities and infrastructure are: 1. Compliance with LSA (Life Saving Appliances) in general from 6 categories already fulfilled, there are categories that fulfill 67%, 2. Compliance with Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Equipment from 11 categories in general has fulfilled there are several categories whose fulfillment is below 100%, Air-recharging system for SCBAs (0%), Self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBAs) (80%), Fixed fire-detection and alarm systems (60%), Wheeled (mobile) fire extinguishers (71%)  xi  3. Fulfillment of Fixed firefighting systems in general have met, of the 7 categories there are parts that are still below 100%, 4. Fulfillment of radio and navigational equipment there are parts below 100%. In general, the overall level of preparedness for tugboat emergency response at PT. ABC of SOLAS and ISM is in the range of 50-100%, the component that needs attention from management is the availability of tools to conduct inspections, testing and maintenance in accordance with the standards, so that compliance can be maintained and improved continuously.