TPS3R adalah salah satu solusi dalam pengolahan sampah, namun pelaksanaan TPS3R diketahui mengalami banyak kendala. Masyarakat dan pengembang kawasan tidak tertarik untuk melakukan pengolahan sampah karena mengeluarkan biaya yang terbilang tinggi dan dianggap tidak menguntungkan, sehingga perlu diyakinkan bahwa kegiatan pengolahan sampah memiliki nilai manfaat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai manfaat enelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif studi kasus di TPS3R Mutiara Bogor Raya dan TPS katulampa sebagai unit analisis. Metode analisis menggunakan metode Cost Benefit Analysis Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah pengelolaan sampah melalui TPS3R lebih menguntungkan dan layak untuk dijalankan daripada TPS mengelola sampah dengan metode kumpul angkut buang

Waste Recycle Facility TPS3R is one of the solutions in waste management, but the implementation of TPS3R experiences many obstacles. The community and area developers are not interested in recycling because they incur high costs and are considered unprofitable, so it needs to be convinced that the construction of waste recycling facilities has a beneficial value. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic feasibility of waste recycling facilities (TPS3R) and temporary dumpsite (TPS). This research is a descriptive quantitative case study research in TPS3R Mutiara Bogor Raya and TPS Katulampa as the unit of analysis. The analytical method uses Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). The results showed the total cost of TPS3R was Rp.549,980,813, the total benefit of TPS3R was Rp.728,616,000, with a net value of TPS3R was Rp.178,635,187 and BCR was  1.32. The total cost of the TPS was Rp. 285.208.500, the total benefit of the TPS was Rp.179,040,000, with a net value of TPS was Rp-106.168.500 and BCR was 0.62. The conclusion of this research is that TPS3R waste management is more profitable and feasible than TPS "managing waste using the dumping collection method".