Stroke adalah penyebab utama kematian dan kesakitan di Indonesia, menurut data Riskesdas prevalensinya terus meningkat dengan angka 10,9 per mil di tahun 2018. Stroke non hemoragik merupakan kasus terbanyak di rawat inap RSUD dr. Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Bekasi. RS telah membuat clinical pathway, tetapi belum dilakukan pembaharuan setelah lebih dari 3 tahun dibuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran input, proses, output, dan outcome dan tantangan yang dihadapi saat implementasi clinical pathway. Penelitian ini retrospektif menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam kerangka evaluasi sistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada variabel input dari sisi SDM, dana, kebijakan, sarana prasarana, obat dan alkes tersedia dan siap menerapkan CP, tantangan pada koordinasi tim. Variabel proses sudah berjalan dengan tantangan pada identifikasi tim, penunjukan ketua tim dan sosialisasi CP belum optimal. Variabel output didapatkan LHR rata-rata sesuai dengan CP, varian didapatkan pada visite, pemeriksaan penunjang, tindakan, konsultasi obat dan alkes. Variabel outcome terdapat selisih tagihan sebesar Rp. 224.103 (5%) dengan Selisih positif pada layanan fisioterapi Rp 178.470 (143%), Visite Rp. 88.215 (26%), Gizi Rp. 78.014 (18%), Akomodasi Rp. 53.625 (10%), Tindakan Rp. 45.805 (7%), Konsultasi Rp. 6.750 (6%). Selisih negatif terjadi pada layanan Obat Rp. 123.911 (25%), Laboratorium Rp. 92.465 (21%), Radiologi Rp. 8.238 (1%) dan Alkes Rp. 2.162 (1%).
Stroke is the leading cause of death and illness in Indonesia, according to Riskesdas data the prevalence continues to increase by 10.9 per mile in 2018. Non-hemorrhagic strokes are the most frequent inpatients cases at dr.Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Hospital. The hospital has made the clinical pathway, but no updates have been made after more than 3 years. This study aims to get an overview of the inputs, processes, outputs, and outcomes and challenges faced when implementing clinical pathways. This is retrospective research, uses quantitative and qualitative approaches in a system evaluation framework. The results showed that the input variables in terms of HR, funds, policies, infrastructure, drugs and medical equipment are available and ready to apply CP, the challenge is lies in the team coordination. Process variables are already running with challenges in team identification, team leader election and the CP socialization still not optimal. Output variables obtained an average LHR in accordance with CP, variants were obtained on the visit, supporting examinations, nursing services, drug consultations and medical devices. The outcome variable, there is a price difference between real and appropriate CP of Rp. 224,103 (5%), Positive difference in physiotherapy services Rp. 178,470 (143%), Visite Rp. 88,215 (26%), Nutrition Rp. 78,014 (18%), Accommodation Rp. 53,625 (10%), nursing services Rp. 45,805 (7%) and Consultation Rp. 6,750 (6%). A negative difference occurs in the drug service Rp. 123,911 (25%), Laboratory Rp. 92,465 (21%), Radiology Rp. 8,238 (1%) and Medical Devices Rp. 2,162 (1%).