Alur pelayanan rumah sakit yang profesional di tuntut agar dapat dijalankan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan pengguna jasa kesehatan dengan mengutamakan patient safety dan mutu pelayanan. Salah satu alur pelayanan di rumah sakit adalah pelayanan rawat jalan. RS X memiliki pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kunjungan yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya dan banyaknya komplain terkait pelayanan rawat jalan yang menjadi hambatan terhadap alur rawat jalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif berupa wawancara dan observasi dengan memakai konsep lean thinking. Observasi dibagi menjadi 5 proses: pasien tanpa pemeriksaan penunjang, pasien control rawat inap dan control rawat jalan dengan penunjang, pasien dengan pemeriksaan penunjang dari perawat, pasien dengan pemeriksaan penunjang dari dokter, dan pemeriksaan penunjang dari perawat dan dokter. Hasilnya menunjukkan adanya temuan berupa waste defect, overproduction, waiting, transportation, inventory, motion dan excess processing. Proses yang paling lama dan banyak ditemukan waste adalah pada proses pemeriksaan penunjang dari perawat dan dokter. Seluruh waste tersebar pada beberapa unit dalam pelayanan rawat jalan RS X. Usulan perbaikan jangka pendek diberikan berupa pemberian arahan serta teguran kepada petugas agar tidak perlu mengulang pekerjaan, pembuatan banner petunjuk serta alur pelayanan dan penerapan 5S. Usulan perbaikan jangka panjang yang diberikan berupa perbaikan alur pelayanan rawat jalan dengan mempertimbangkan pengurangan waste yang ditemukan
The flow of professional hospital services is demanded to be carried out properly and in accordance with what health service users want by prioritizing patient safety and quality of service. One of the service lines in the hospital is outpatient services. RS X is a hospital with outpatient services that has an increasing number of visits every year. However, this has resulted in many complaints regarding outpatient services which are an obstacle to the outpatient flow. The concept of lean thinking is used so that outpatient services at RS X can be improved. Until later it will be given improvements to outpatient flows through proposals to improve outpatient flows using simulation applications. This research uses qualitative methods in the form of interviews and observations. Observation is divided into 5 processes: patients without supporting examinations, inpatient control patients and outpatient control with support, patients with supporting examinations from nurses, patients with supporting examinations from doctors, and supporting examinations from nurses and doctors. As a result, waste was found in the form of waste defects, overproduction, waiting, transportation, inventory, motion and excess processing. The process that is the longest and the most waste is found in the supporting examination process from nurses and doctors. All of the waste is scattered in several units in the outpatient services of X Hospital. Proposals for short-term improvements are given in the form of giving directions and warnings to officers so that they do not need to repeat work, making banner instructions as well as service flow and implementation of 5S. The proposed long-term improvement is to improve outpatient service flow by considering the reduction of waste found