Tujuan Penelitian : Tenaga kesehatan professional seperti perawat yang secara langsung berinteraksi dengan pasien dapat menimbulkan terjadinya gejala burnout. Ada beberapa hal yang dapat menyebabkan burnout pada pekerja terutama di area pekerjaan (Area of worklife), Oleh karena itu penulis berusaha untuk menganalisis faktor risiko dan burnout Pada perawat di rumah sakit swasta di jakarta. Metode: Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional untuk menganalisis hubungan dengan faktor predisposisi area of worklife serta efeknya terhadap Burnout Hasil: Usia, masa kerja dan jenis kelamin. berhubungan emotional exhaustion, jenis kelamin dan status pernikahan berhubungan terhadap cynicism dan lack of personal efficacy. area of worklife (workload, control, reward, community, fairness, value) yang memiliki hubungan dengan burnout (exhaustion, cynicism, lack of personal efficacy).
Objectives: Health professionals such as nurses who can cause patients to experience burnout. There are several things that can cause burnout in workers, especially in the area of work (Area of work life) and arise from burnout such as less job satisfaction, lack of commitment to the company, and the desire to quit your job. Therefore, trying to analyze the risk factors and risk of fatigue in nurses in private hospitals in Jakarta. Methods: Quantitative research method with cross sectional study design to analyze the 3 dimensions of burnout and the relationship with predisposing factors in the field of work life and their effects on job satisfaction, desire to leave and workers in the company. Results: Age, years of service and gender. emotional exhaustion, gender and marital status associated with cynicism and a lack of personal trust. areas of work life (workload, control, reward, community, fairness, value) which have a relationship with burnout (fatigue, cynicism, lack of personal efficacy)