Terbatasnya jumlah sebaran dokter bedah di Indonesia, dengan banyaknya tugas keseharian yang dijalani oleh dokter bedah, diperlukan suatu cara pengisian rekam medis yang mudah , efisien dan sesuai kebutuhan klinisi. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi, dan mempergunakan model design thinking. Hasil penelitian berupa prototipe aplikasi IESR (Integrated Electronic Surgical Report) yang dirancang melalui kolaborasi antara tim design thinker dengan tim IT. Prototipe IESR menekankan pada pengisian rekam medis dan laporan operasi yang efisien dan sesuai kebutuhan klinisi. Perancangan prototipe IESR melalui implementasi model design thinking dilakukan dalam 5 tahap. Dalam tahapan emphatize, define, dan ideate didapatkan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi dokter operator dalam pengisian rekam medis dan laporan operasi. Dari formulasi berbagai usulan penyelesaian masalah, dipilih solusi berupa perancangan prototipe IESR. Tahapan prototyping dilakukan dengan pembuatan storyboard dan pembuatan prototipe digital oleh tim IT. Fase testing menunjukkan 87,5% informan menyatakan kemudahan penggunaan prototipe IESR, dan 75% informan merasakan penggunaan prototipe sudah efisien dalam hal waktu input data. 75 % informan menyatakan telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan klinisi. Prototipe aplikasi Integrated Electronic Surgical Report diharapkan dapat memudahkan para dokter operator dalam pengisian rekam medis, khususnya laporan operasi secara efisien
Due to limited surgeon in Indonesia, and many daily task that have to do by a surgeon, an efficient and simple way of medical records filling is needed. This study design is a qualitative with phenomenological method, through design thinking model. The result of this research is a prototype of IESR (Integrated Electronic Surgical Report) that designed in collaboration between design thinker team and IT team. IESR prototype concern on efficient medical record and surgical reports filling matching to clinician needs. IESR prototyping process through design thinking model implementation was carried out in 5 stages. In the emphatize, define, and ideate process, there are various problems faced by clinicians in medical records and surgical reports filling. By formulating various problem solving suggestion , the chosen solution was designing IESR prototype. The prototyping stage was carried out by storyboards making and prototypes designing collaborating with the IT team. The testing phase shown 87.5% of informan stated that the IESR prototype was easy to use, and 75% informan stated timely efficient, 75 % informan stated that the prototype already matching clinicians needs. IESR prototype hopefully emphasized medical record filling concerned on surgical report efficiently by operator doctor.