Penelitian ini membahas pelaksanaan Health Risk Assessment di PT X Area Operasi Bagian Utara. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji data hasil ukur dosis personal selama 1 periode pengukuran tahun 2015 - 2017 dan melakukan penilaian risiko kesehatan dengan metode analisis semi-kuantitatif dengan mengacu Risk Assessment Matrix IPIECA & OGP 2006. Hasil penelitian ini teridentifikasi 9 SEG, namun setelah dikaji secara kuantitatif terdapat SEG yang perlu diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa sub-group dan health hazard hanya mengacu pada dokumen sekunder sebanyak 10 health hazard. Terdapat keragaman hasil ukur dosis personal dalam 1 SEG menunjukkan salah satu kelemahan pengklasifikasian SEG yang hanya mengacu jabatan pekerjaan saja. Residual Risk Level pada setiap SEG untuk seluruh bahaya gas (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylene) berada pada tingkatan low risk, kecuali untuk H2S yang masuk kategori medium risk. Sementara noise diklasifikasikan low risk pada SEG GS Operator, MWT Operator, Gas Operator, Welder, Company Representative dan noise masuk medium risk pada sebagian SEG Technician shop terutama pada saat pekerjaan metalizing. Risk level bahaya H2S tidak dapat diturunkan menjadi Low mengingat tingkat severity berada pada tingkatan high (4). Penurunan risk level bahaya noise dapat dilakukan dengan konsistensi implementasi HCP dan perlu dilakukan pengukuran efektifitas fungsi earmuff / earplugs untuk mengetahui dosis efektif yang diterima pekerja. Risiko kesehatan pada tingkatan Low Risk, tetap harus dikelola agar level risk tidak meningkat sehingga PT X tetap melanjutkan penerapan existing control dan memastikan pelaksanaan kajian HRA lebih mendalam dengan melakukan observasi / wawancara untuk mengetahui efektifitas implementasi existing control terhadap Potential Risk Level dan Residual Risk Level
This Health Risk Assessment research that was implemented at PT X North Operations Area. The aims of this study was to review the data on personal dose exposure measurement results for 1 measurement period 2015 - 2017 nd conduct a health risk assessment using a semi-quantitative analysis method with reference to the IPIECA & OGP Risk Assessment Matrix Year 2006. The results of this study identified 9 SEGs, but after being studied quantitatively there were SEGs that needed to be classified into several sub-groups and health hazards only referred to secondary documents as many as 10 health hazards. There is a variety of personal dose measurement results in 1 SEG showing one of the weaknesses in the classification of SEG which only refers to job title. The Residual Risk Level in each SEG for all gas hazards (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Xylene) is at a low risk level, except for H2S which is in the medium risk category. Meanwhile, noise is classified as low risk in SEG GS Operators, MWT Operators, Gas Operators, Welder, Company Representatives and noise is a medium risk in several SEG Technician shops, especially during metalizing work. The H2S risk level cannot be lowered to low considering that the severity level is at a high level (4). Reducing the risk level of noise hazards can be implemented by consistent implementation of HCP and it is necessary to measure the effectiveness of the earmuff / earplugs function to determine the effective dose received by workers. Health risks at the Low Risk level must still be managed so that the risk level does not increase so that PT X continues to implement existing controls and ensure the implementation a comprehensive HRA study by conducting observations / interviews to determine the effectiveness of implementing existing controls on the Potential Risk Level and Residual Risk Level