Tesis ini menjelaskan implementasi PermendesPDTT nomor 16 tahun 2018 tentang prioritas penggunaan dana desa terkait stunting di Desa Tompe Kabupaten Donggala tahun 2019 secara evaluasi formatif dan sumatif. Penelitian non-eksperimental metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menujukkan Implementasi PermendesPDTT Nomor 16 Tahun 2018 tentang prioritas penggunaan dana desa terkait stunting dalam hal input, proses, dan outputnya belum efektif dan efisien. Intervensi stunting yang dilakukan juga sesuai pedoman serta masih banyak terdapat hambatan. Oleh karena itu, harus melibatkan partisipasi aktif dari seluruh komponen dan lapisan masyarakat desa serta perlunya sosialisasi terhadap peraturan tentang dana desa dan pedoman stunting.
This thesis explains the implementation of ministrial regulation No.16/PermendesPDTT/2018 concerning the priority of using village funds related to stunting in Tompe Village, Donggala District in 2019 through formative and summative evaluation. This non-experimental research is a qualitative method with a crosssectional and case study approach. The results of this study showed that the implementation of ministrial regulation No.16/PermendesPDTT/ 2018 concerning the priority of using village funds related to stunting in terms of inputs, processes and, outputs are not yet effective and efficient. Stunting interventions are also carried out according to the guidelines and there are still many obstacles. Therefore, it must involve the active participation of all components and levels of village society as well as the need to socialize the regulations on village funds and stunting guidelines