Perawat mempunyai fungsi kolaborasi dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan dan kemampuan dalam penerapan 6 tepat pemberian obat meliputi : tepat pasien, tepat obat, tepat dosis, tepat waktu, tepat cara, dan tepat dokumentasi.Tujuan penelitian mengetahui perilaku profesional perawat dalam penerapan 6 tepat benar obat dan hubungan dengan karakteristik, pengetahuan, sikap,pemahaman etis&hukum serta humanisme dan kultur kompetensi yang mempengaruhi kinerja selama masa pandemic Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif metode cross sectional dengan total sampel 50 perawat di ruang Intensive Care RSPI Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso. Analisis bivariat dengan Contiunity Corretion dan multivariat dengan regresi logistic berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan hubungan yang signifikan antar humanisme dan kultur kompetensi dengan perilaku profesional dalam penerapan 6 tepat pemberian obat (p Value 0,000) sejumlah 74.2%, dan pemahaman etis dan hukum dengan perilaku profesional perawat dalam penerapan 6 tepat pemberian obat (p value 0,043) sejumlah 63,39%. Hasil multivariat variabel humanisme dan kultur kompetensi menjadi faktor dominan perilaku profesional perawat dalam 6 tepat pemberian obat. Perilaku profesional perawat dalam penerapan 6 tepat pemberian obat mendukung peningkatan pelayanan terhadap keselamatan pasien dalam pemberian obat yang aman. Perilaku professional perawat menjadi penilaian sangat mendasar dalam proses kredensi untuk seleksi karyawan.Upaya penerapan.prinsip ini dapat dilakukan dengan pendidikan keperawatan berkelanjutan dan meningkatkan supervisi.
Nurses have a collaborative function in providing nursing care and the ability to implement appropriate 6 drugs, including: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right time, the right way, and the right documentation. the relationship with the characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, ethical & legal understanding as well as humanism and the culture of competence that affect performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a quantitative approach with cross sectional method with a total sample of 50 nurses in the Intensive Care Room at RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso. Bivariate analysis with Contiunity Corretion and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression. The results showed a significant relationship between humanism and a culture of competence with professional behavior in the correct application of medication (p value 0.000) amounting to 74.2%, and ethical and legal understanding with professional behavior of nurses in the correct application of 6 drugs (p value 0.043). 63.39%. The multivariate results of humanism and competency culture variables are the dominant factors in the professional behavior of nurses in administering drugs. The professional behavior of nurses in the proper application of drug administration supports the improvement of services for patient safety in safe drug administration. The professional behavior of nurses is a very basic assessment in the credential process for employee selection. Efforts to implement this principle can be done by continuing nursing education and increasing supervision.