Kesembuhan pasien TB merupakan outcome dari pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor provider dan customer. Oleh sebab itu penting adanya pemenuhan kebutuhan berdasarkan perspektif faktor tersebut. Tahun 2019, dikembangkan instrumen penilaian kualitas pelayanan TB berdasarkan perspektif pasien (Quote TB Light) dengan sembilan dimensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan Tuberkulosis dengan kesembuhan pasien TB. Penelitian menggunakan mix method embedded design yang dilakukan pada empat puskesmas Kota Bandung menggunakan kuesioner (google form) pada 61 pasien TB dan 11 informan (petugas kesehatan) yang dilakukan wawancara mendalam secara online. Hasil penelitian dengan menggambarkan variabel stigma masuk kategori kualitas baik tertinggi (95.1%) dan variabel keterjangkauan finansial kategori kualitas buruk (14.8%) juga terdapat kesenjangan antara perspektif customer dan provider pada variabel keterjangkauan finansial dan infrastuktur. Hasil uji fisher exact menyatakan adanya hubungan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan tuberkulosis dengan kesembuhan pasien TB (p value 0.000). Dengan hasil penelitian, disarankan adanya dukungan infrastruktur terkait ruangan DOTS, tunggu dan Laboratorium yang memadai, Serta pemantauan minum obatyang ruti pada pasien menggunakan media telepon seluler, menetapkan SOP waktu pelayanan TB dan menyediakan anggaran bantuan dana terkait kebutuhan pasien (transportasi dan gizi).
TB patient cure is an outcome of quality health services which is influenced by provider and customer factors. Therefore, it is important to fulfill the needs based on the perspective of these factors. In 2019, an instrument for assessing the quality of TB services was developed based on the patient's perspective (Quote TB Light) with nine dimensions. This study aims to determine the relationship between the quality of Tuberculosis health services and the recovery of TB patients. The study used a mix method embedded design conducted at four Bandung City Health Centers using a questionnaire (google form) on 61 TB patients and 11 informants (health workers) who conducted in-depth online interviews. The results of the study by describing the stigma variable as being in the highest good quality category (95.1%) and the financial affordability variable in the poor quality category (14.8%) there is also a gap between the customer and provider perspectives on the financial and infrastructure affordability variables. Fisher's exact test results stated that there was a relationship between the quality of tuberculosis health services and the cure of TB patients (p value 0.000). With the results of the study, it is recommended that there be infrastructure support related to DOTS rooms, waiting rooms and adequate laboratories, as well as monitoring of routine drug taking in patients using cell phones, setting SOPs for TB service times and providing budget assistance funds related to patient needs (transportation and nutrition).