Ketidaksesuaian jumlah kesediaan perawat dengan perhitungan kebutuhan perawat merupakan suatu masalah yang perlu dikaji. Salah satunya dengan mengetahui beban kerja sebenarnya sebagai usaha peningkatan mutu pelayanan keperawatan di rumah sakit. Beban kerja yang tidak sesuai kemampuan perawat akan menyebabkan kelelahan, stress kerja hingga ketidakpuasan pasien yang dirawat. Penelitian ini menganalisa kebutuhan tenaga perawat pelaksana di Ruang Rawat Inap Teratai berdasarkan beban kerja menggunakan time and motion study yang kemudian diolah berdasarkan metode WISN dan metode Ilyas. Penelitian secara observasional dilaksanakan selama 7 hari kepada 7 orang perawat pelaksana untuk mengetahui beban kerja perawat. Hasil penelitian memperoleh waktu produktif perawat 91% dari seluruh waktu kegiatan perawat. Beban kerja pada shif sore memiliki nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan shif pagi. Peneliti menyimpulkan beban kerja perawat di ruang rawat inap Teratai termasuk kategori berat dan memerlukan penambahan tenaga perawat. Pengalihan beberapa kegiatan keperawatan kepada professional lain sesuai tugas dan jabatannya dapat mengurangi beban kerja perawat. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam menentukan metode perhitungan kebutuhan perawat di Instalasi Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Badan Pengusahaan Batam.
The discrepancy between the number of nurses' willingness and the calculation of nurse needs is a problem that needs to be studied. One of them is knowing the actual workload as an effort to improve the quality of nursing services in hospitals. Workloads that are not in accordance with the ability of nurses will cause fatigue, work stress and dissatisfaction of patients who being treated. This study analyzes the need for practical nurses in the Teratai Ward based on workload using time and motion studies which are then processed based on the WISN method and the Ilyas method. Observational research was carried out for 7 days to 7 nurses to determine the workload of nurses. The results of the study obtained that the productive time of nurses was 91% of the entire time of nurses' activities. The workload on the afternoon shift has a higher value than the morning shift. The researcher concludes that the workload of nurses in the Teratai ward is in the heavy category and requires additional nursing staff. Transfered of some nursing activities to other professionals according to their duties and positions can reduce the workload of nurses. Hoppely that this research can be a consideration indetermining the method of calculating the needs of nurses in the Inpatient Installation, Hospital of Badan Pengusahaan Batam