Negara-negara ASEAN merupakan penyumbang prevalensi kejadian BBLR tertinggi kedua di Benua Asia yaitu sebesar 12,3%. Antenatal Care (ANC) menjadi salah satu mitigasi dalam menurunkan kejadian BBLR. Pengaruh K1 murni dan kualitas pelayanan ANC terhadap kejadian BBLR penting untuk diketahui. Analisis menggunakan data Demographic Health Survey (20142017) di Empat Negara ASEAN. Desain penelitian cross-sectional dengan analisis regresi logistik ganda. Proporsi kejadian BBLR di Negara Indonesia (6,7%), Kamboja (6,7%), Myanmar (7,5%), dan Filipina (13,8%). K1 murni tidak berpengaruh terhadap kejadian BBLR (aOR = 1,0; CI 95%: 0,91,1). Namun, kualitas pelayanan ANC dengan kunjungan < 4 kali dan 6 komponen tidak lengkap didapatkan Odds kejadian BBLR 1,3 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan kunjungan ≥ 4 kali dan 6 komponen lengkap (aOR=1,3; CI 95%: 1,11,5). Negara Myanmar didapatkan Odds kejadian BBLR tertinggi, ibu hamil kunjungan < 4 kali dan 6 komponen tidak lengkap 1,7 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan kunjungan ≥ 4 kali dan 6 komponen lengkap (aOR = 1,7; CI 95%: 1,02,7). K1 murni belum cukup dalam menurunkan kejadian BBLR, hasil yang kosisten disetiap negara bahwa peningkatan pelayanan ANC yang berkualitas yaitu kunjungan lebih dari 4 kali dan komponen pelayanan ANC lengkap dapat menurunkan kejadian BBLR
ASEAN countries is the second highest incidence of low birth weight (LBW) in Asia, accounting for approximately 12.3% of LBW cases in Asia. Antenatal Care (ANC) is one of the most important preventive measures in reducing the incidence of LBW. The study aimed to analysis the association of the early Antenatal Care visit and quality of ANC services, towards LBW incidence. This study used Demographic and Health Survey data (20142017) in four ASEAN countries. This study used a cross-sectional design with multiple logistic regression analysis. The proportion of LBW in Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Philippines was (6,7%), (6,7%), (7,5%), and (13,8%), respectively. The results showed that early visit did no effect on the incidence of LBW (aOR = 1,0; CI 95%: 0,91,1). However, quality of ANC services had an association with LBW incidence (aOR=1,3; CI 95%:1,11,5). Myanmar had the highest odds ratio of LBW, in which the odds of LBW for mothers that received < 4 visits, 6 incomplete components was 1.7 times higher compared with mothers that received ≥ 4 visits, 6 complete components (OR = 1.7; 95% CI:1.0-2.7). Early antenatal care visit is not enough to reduce the risk of LBW, however consistent results in each county that the improvement of quality of ANC services for reducing the risk of LBW.