Myasthenia Gravis (MG) merupakan penyakit autoimun kronik yang banyak terjadi pada kelompok usia produktif. Walau masih relatif jarang ditemukan, namun insidensi dan prevalensi Myasthenia Gravis dilaporkan terus meningkat. Kelemahan otot kronik yang dialami berdampak pada penurunan fungsi secara individu maupun sosial. Dampak negatif derajat kelemahan otot terhadap skor kualitas hidup telah terbukti dari penelitian secara global maupun di Indonesia, namun determinan lain yang menentukan kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan (HRQoL) individu dengan Myasthenia Gravis masih belum tereksplorasi. Menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variabel apa saja yang menjadi determinan HRQoL individu dengan Myasthenia Gravis di Indonesia. Seratus dua puluh delapan responden yang merupakan anggota Yayasan Myasthenia Gravis Indonesia direkrut di dalam penelitian. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara daring melalui Google Form. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah self-administered questionnaire MG-QoL 15, General Self Efficacy Scale, HADS, dan kuesioner variabel independen yang sudah melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Sesudah dilakukan analisis deskriptif, analisis hubungan dengan Independent T-Test, Uji Anova, Uji Korelasi, serta analisis regresi linier multivariat, didapatkan hasil yaitu rata-rata skor kualitas hidup individu dengan MG adalah 28,3±12,89; determinan HRQoL pada individu dengan MG adalah Pendidikan, Efikasi Diri, Dukungan Sosial dan Masalah Kesehatan Mental sesudah dikontrol dengan Usia, Pernikahan, Status Bekerja Jenis Kelamin, Latihan Fisik dan Kunjungan ke Profesional Medis; determinan yang paling berpengaruh terhadap HRQoL individu dengan MG adalah Masalah Kesehatan Mental dengan nilai p = 0,001 dan koefisien Beta = 0,302
Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is a chronic autoimmune disease that mostly occurs in the productive age group. Although it is still relatively rare, the incidence and prevalence of Myasthenia Gravis are reported to be increasing. The chronic muscle weakness experienced has an impact on individual and social decline in function. The negative impact of the degree of muscle weakness on quality of life scores has been proven from research both globally and in Indonesia, but other determinants that determine the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of individuals with Myasthenia Gravis have not been explored. Using a cross-sectional design and quantitative methods, this study aims to analyze what variables are the determinants of HRQoL of individuals with Myasthenia Gravis in Indonesia. One hundred and twenty eight respondents who are members of the Myasthenia Gravis Indonesia Foundation were recruited in the study. Data collection is done online via Google Form. The measuring instrument used is the self-administered questionnaire MG-QoL 15, General Self Efficacy Scale, HADS, and the independent variable questionnaire that has passed validity and reliability tests. After descriptive analysis, correlation analysis with Independent T-Test, Anova Test, Correlation Test, and multivariate linear regression analysis were carried out, the results obtained were the average quality of life score of individuals with MG was 28.3±12.89; HRQoL determinants in individuals with MG are Education, Self-Efficacy, Social Support and Mental Health Disorders after being controlled with Age, Marriage, Sex, Working Status, Physical Exercise and Visits to Medical Professionals; The determinants most influential to the HRQoL of individuals with MG are Mental Health Disorders with a value of p = 0.001 and a coefficient of Beta = 0.302