PT. ABC adalah operator yang dipercaya untuk mengelola salah satu blok migas di daerah Riau. Salah satu divisi dari PT. ABC bertanggung jawab untuk pekerjaan konstruksi yang mendukung pekerjaan migas PT. ABC. Tesis ini fokus kepada iklim keselamatan pada pekerja migas di area operasi XXX divisi Facility Engineering PT. ABC, data iklim keselamatan pekerja diperoleh dengan cara melakukan survei. Metode survei bersumber dari survei yang digunakan pada jurnal (Sunindijo et al. 2019) dan (Loosemore et al. 2019) yang sudah digunakan pada industri konstruksi bangunan, infrastruktur, konstruksi di Indonesia dan dan konstruksi Australia. Responden adalah karyawan dan mitra kerja PT. ABC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata nilai survei iklim keselamatan karyawan dan mitra kerja PT. ABC adalah baik, berada di angka 4,92 dari 6 skala likert, tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan antara iklim keselamatan karyawan dan mitra kerja PT. ABC. Pengujian t-test menunjukkan tidak ada nilai p < 0.05, dan rerata nilai survei iklim keselamatan karyawan dan mitra kerja PT. ABC lebih baik, berada diatas rerata nilai survei iklim keselamatan industri infrastruktur, bangunan, konstruksi di Indonesia dan konstruksi di Australia.
PT. ABC is an oil and gas company which manage one of the oil and gas block in the Riau region. One of the divisions of PT. ABC is accountable for construction work that supports the oil and gas of PT. ABC. Thesis emphases on the safety climate for oil and gas workers in the operation area of the Facility Engineering division of PT. ABC.Safety climate data of workers gained by conducting an online survey. The survey method is obtained from surveys applied in journals (Sunindijo et al. 2019) and (Loosemore et al. 2019) which have been used in the building construction industry, infrastructure, construction in Indonesia and Australian construction. Respondents are employees and partners of PT. ABC. The results exposed that the average value of the safety climate survey for employees and partners of PT. ABC is worthy, at 4.92 out of 6 Likert scale, no significant difference was found between the safety climate of employees and partners of PT. ABC. The t-test test showed that there was no p value < 0.05, and the average value of the safety climate survey for employees and partners of PT. ABC is better, being above the average value of the safety climate survey for the infrastructure, building, construction industry in Indonesia and Australia